$500,000 Bond Set for Man Charged in Violent Carjacking Outside Ferndale Club That Left One Woman Unconscious

A guy has been charged after allegedly attacking two women, knocking one unconscious, during a carjacking in the parking lot of a Ferndale club, according to officials.

According to police, Bryan Marks, 40, of Mount Clemens, reportedly attacked the two women at 12:02 a.m. on December 26 as they were exiting New Way Bar at 23130 Woodward Avenue.

Police say the women were attempting to leave the bar’s parking area when Marks stood behind their vehicle, blocking the exit, and “accused them of nearly hitting another car.”

He allegedly approached the driver’s side window, punched the driver, and then assaulted the passenger who stepped out of the car to intercede.

The assault rendered the passenger unconscious, and after the driver treated her, Marks got into their vehicle and drove away from the bar.

The stolen car was discovered driving north on Woodward Avenue, but when cops attempted to conduct a traffic stop, Marks escaped, according to police.

Marks finally lost control of the car while attempting to turn eastbound onto Greenleaf Drive, smashing into the bushes at the Amoco Gas Station on 28610 Woodward Avenue in Royal Oak.

He fled the crash scene but was immediately apprehended by Ferndale cops.

Marks was charged with two counts of carjacking, escaping a police officer, and driving without a license.

He was arraigned on December 26 and handed a $500,000 cash bond. Officials expect him to appear in court again on January 2, 2025.

Reference: Man charged after allegedly attacking 2 women during carjacking at Ferndale bar

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