65-YEAR-OLD MAN SHOT by Winston-salem Police After Threatening Family and Charging Officer With Knife

DDN – A guy was shot by a Winston-Salem Police officer late on Saturday night.
Unrest was reported in the 3000 block of Zachary’s Keep Court around 11:10 p.m., prompting law enforcement to come to the scene.

According to the caller, a man was threatening other people inside the house while he was armed with a knife.

When the police arrived, he heard everyone inside the house, including children, screaming. Many people were shouting. Ndimubandi, who was armed with a knife, was observed entering the building as the door opened.

According to the police, Ndimubandi charged the officer with a knife while the officer was attempting to speak with him for the first time. It was at that moment that the police shot Ndimubandi, who was 65 years old.

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An ambulance took Ndimubandi to a nearby hospital, where he is currently in critical condition. According to the police, he is in stable condition.

“At this time, we will not be releasing the identity of the officer involved in this shooting,” the police department added in a statement.

Within the previous twenty-one months, Ndimubandi has been charged with eleven different offenses, according to the police. These offenses include two counts of assault on a female and three instances of assault on a government official alike.

On account of the occurrence, nobody in the house sustained any injuries. Following the regular operating procedure, the State Bureau of Investigation will also conduct an independent investigation into this shooting.

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The inquiry is still being carried out.

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