8-year-old Serenity Campos Tragically Dies After Coat Gets Entangled in Vehicle Door at School Drop-off

DDN – A tragic incident occurred when an eight-year-old girl, Serenity Campos, lost her life in a horrific accident involving her coat becoming entangled in a vehicle door during her drop-off at school.

The incident transpired mere steps from Gateway Elementary School in Borger, Texas, at approximately 8:00 AM on Friday. A senior member of the school staff made urgent efforts to save her by administering first aid in response to the serious injuries she had sustained. Regrettably, they did not achieve success.

The local community experienced significant upheaval, leading to the early dismissal of students from the school at 10 a.m. that day, as communicated via the Borger Independent School District’s Facebook page. The institution is additionally providing counseling services to students and all individuals impacted by the loss.

Support has been overwhelmingly directed towards Serenity’s family through a GoFundMe campaign that has surpassed its fundraising objective, amassing over $76,000 to assist her parents, Daniela and Daniel Campos, along with their three other children during this profoundly challenging period of mourning.

The donation page conveys a poignant message: “It is with profound sorrow that we announce the untimely passing of Serenity Campos, a lovely young girl who departed unexpectedly this morning.” Daniela and Daniel Campos, her devoted parents, are now confronted with the profound sorrow of losing their daughter, all while attending to the needs of their three other children.

As the family traverses this profoundly distressing period, they are concurrently confronted with the financial obligations associated with funeral expenses as well as their everyday necessities. We kindly request your assistance in alleviating some of these burdens, thereby enabling them to concentrate on mourning and recuperating collectively as a family.

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The Borger Police Department expressed their condolences, characterizing the incident as inevitable. A representative remarked, “Notwithstanding the presence of a senior school administrator who promptly endeavored to intervene, the incident transpired with such rapidity that it could not be averted.”

Our deepest sympathies are extended to all individuals impacted by this tragic incident as they confront this profound loss. The entire community mourns in solidarity with them.

They requested empathy and consideration: “At this juncture, we solicit your understanding, patience, and compassion for all individuals impacted.” We kindly invite you to keep the family in your thoughts and prayers during this profoundly challenging period.

Furthermore, Brandon Strope, the Assistant City Manager and Public Information Officer conveyed to People magazine that the police have found no basis for criminal charges and are treating the girl’s death as a “tragic accident.”

Reference: Texas schoolgirl, 8, tragically dies in horror freak accident after coat gets stuck in car door

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