Study Explores the Best and Worst U.S. Cities for Coffee

Every morning, I’m usually happy to grab the closest caffeinated drink. No, I’m not happy about it, but that’s just the way it is. But once I’ve had a small taste, I start searching for the best things. That’s why I might have to move to Portland, Oregon.

Clever, a real estate listing website, created a list of the best and worst coffee cities in America to help coffee lovers find their ideal place to live. Clever used data from various sources such as the U.S. Census American Community Survey, U.S. Bureau for Economic Analysis, Google Trends, Yelp, and Numbeo.

They looked at factors like the number of coffee shops and roasteries per 100,000 residents, the popularity of coffee-related searches, the percentage of local income spent on coffee, and the average price of a cappuccino to reach their conclusion. Then, the data from each metric was combined to calculate a weighted average for each destination. After reviewing all of the information, it was determined that Portland was chosen as the top spot.

“According to Clever, Portland is known for its diverse coffee culture. It has a coffee passion score of 91.9, which is higher than the average score of 78 for other cities. This means that Portland is 18 percent more enthusiastic about coffee compared to the average city.”

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Furthermore, Clever mentioned that the city has an impressive number of 27.8 coffee shops per 100,000 residents, making it easy to find a great cup of coffee. According to Clever, California is a great destination to consider.

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“The Golden State has three impressive cities, namely San Jose, San Diego, and San Francisco, which are ranked in the top five. Sacramento also secured a place in the top 15,” according to the results. “Surprisingly, no city in California was among the worst 10 cities for coffee. This shows that people in California, including Riverside, have a strong love for good coffee.”

Additional cities that are included in the top 10 are Denver in third place, Providence in sixth place, Hartford in seventh place, Boston in eighth place, Las Vegas in ninth place, and surprisingly, Seattle at the tenth spot.

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