The Most Famous Monster in Iowa is 120 Years Old

Sometimes it’s enjoyable to explore a random topic and see where it leads. If you enjoy things that are mysterious, eerie, or related to the supernatural (like me), then you might want to consider visiting Van Meter, Iowa this autumn. If you haven’t heard of Van Meter, it’s likely that you’ve also missed Iowa’s most famous monster story, which has been around for 120 years and is still just as strange today!

What’s the deal with Van Meter, Iowa?

The story of the Van Meter Monster or Visitor is one of the most fascinating and puzzling tales in American folklore. In order to go back to this story, we need to remember the events of the fall of 1903. During that time, there were reports of a creature with wings causing fear among the people living there. For about 5 nights, the peaceful streets of the town were visited by a strange creature that was part human and part animal. It had huge wings like a bat, and it emitted a strange light that seemed to come from another world. The creature also had a strong and unpleasant smell that scared and amazed the people who saw it.

According to a local businessman named Eugene Griffith, the first sighting was the beginning of a series of strange encounters. Griffith thought the creature flying above was a thief because it was shining, but then realized it was something else. Afterwards, the town doctor and banker, along with other important people in the community, encountered the strange being directly. They tried to use guns to protect themselves from the creature, but it was too strong and their attempts didn’t work.

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Clarence Dunn had a scary experience at his bank when he spent a sleepless night, fearing that he would encounter a person breaking in. But instead, he saw a huge scary creature outside his window. It left behind creepy three-toed footprints as proof that it was there. The town came together in fear and confusion and formed a group to confront the creature near an old coal mine. But the Van Meter Monster disappeared just as mysteriously as it had appeared, leaving behind a legacy of fear and fascination.

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What do people think the Van Meter Monster is?

More than ten years later, the story of the Van Meter Monster is still well-known and hasn’t been forgotten. Now, local festivals celebrate the sightings and have become a yearly tradition. At the same time, scientists and people interested in the supernatural are trying to discover the truth behind the story.

Chad Lewis, who studies paranormal activity and writes books, explored the stories and ideas about the creature in his book called “The Van Meter Visitor.” Some people thought the sightings were just made up or exaggerated, but others were interested in the idea that there might be a real, unexplained phenomenon. Several other people have also investigated the mystery, including an episode of the Discovery Channel’s Expedition X.

Is it a cryptid, a ghost, or a demon?

There are many theories about what the Van Meter Monster really is. Some people think that it was caused by a widespread panic or the mistaken identification of a familiar animal. However, some people consider the idea that the phenomenon could be caused by a supernatural being like a demon or ghost, or even by beings from another planet. One interesting idea is that the creature might be a relative of ancient animals like pterosaurs or pterodactyls. Whether these animals still exist today is a topic that cryptozoologists debate.

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However, even after many years of research and speculation, the mystery of the Van Meter Monster still remains unsolved. The legend reminds us of how humans are always fascinated by things we don’t understand, whether it’s something made up, a natural event we don’t fully grasp, or something even more mysterious. As we keep learning about the unknowns in our world, the tale of the Van Meter Monster shows how folklore, fear, and the strong desire for answers in the face of the unexplainable can have a lasting impact.

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