Beware of Snakes Montana Lakes Where Snakes Are Common

Numerous species of snakes can be found in Montana, a state well-known for its breathtaking natural beauty and opportunities for outdoor activities.

Though the majority of these reptiles are not very dangerous to people, there are known to be larger snake densities in some parts of the state, particularly those that are close to bodies of water.

The information in this post will help outdoor enthusiasts enjoy these natural treasures safely by highlighting five lakes in Montana where snake sightings are more frequent.

Whitefish Lake

Similar to many Montana lakes, Whitefish Lake is home to the western terrestrial garter snake. Reaching lengths of up to 41 inches (104 cm), this colorful snake has dorsal stripes of yellow, orange, and white.

In the rare event that a human is bitten, their weakly poisonous saliva may cause mild discomfort and edema. There are also black racers in the area.

They are not particularly hazardous, but if they see you coming, they may give chase for a short distance as a defensive tactic. You should constantly be alert for the presence of prairie rattlesnakes, which have also been sighted in the area.

Flathead Lake

Flathead Lake, formerly a component of the ancient Glacial Lake Missoula, is located in the northwest region of Montana.

Beware of Snakes: Montana Lakes Where Snakes Are Common
Image By: Montana

A few of those species are snakes, with the northern rubber boa, or common garter snake, being the most prevalent. Even though few of these species are known to be very aggressive snakes, there may be other threats nearby.

For instance, the prairie rattlesnake lives in the nearby Flathead Indian Reservation. The distinctive brown coloring of this snake, with patches of dark brown throughout, helps to identify it.

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Fort Peck Lake

In addition to the black racer, prairie rattlesnake, and garter snake, there are a few other snake species that can be found in and around Fort Peck Lake.

The region is home to several hog-nosed snakes, which get their name from their raised noses, which help them burrow in dirt and sand. They bite with considerable toxicity, but they are not especially aggressive.

One of the most placid species, the northern rubber boa, may also be found. The northern rubber boa is unlikely to bite or strike, but anyone who approaches too closely risks receiving a hefty jolt.

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Nelson Reservoir

Regarding reptiles, it has been reported that the prairie rattlesnake can be seen in the vicinity of Nelson Reservoir. These animals are often found in arid climates, but because they need water to move from one place to another, they have posed a risk to swimmers and boaters around Nelson Reservoir.

Beware of Snakes Montana Lakes Where Snakes Are Common
Image By: Montana

There are reports of rattlesnakes invading boats carrying fishermen. Those tales are uncommon, though. The majority of snakes in and around Nelson Reservoir are garter snakes, which quickly retreat from humans when they come into close proximity.

It’s also critical to understand that, even in situations where they might not be a threat to you, you should nonetheless leave them alone. Any species that is disturbed in its natural habitat might cause an ecosystem-wide disturbance.

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To Conclude

Though there are plenty of possibilities for leisure and relaxation around Montana’s gorgeous lakes, it’s important to be aware that snakes may be there. Even though the majority of species are safe, knowing what kinds of snakes are common in various regions can help you enjoy the outdoors in a secure manner.

You can lessen your chance of coming into contact with these reptiles by being mindful of their habitats and steering clear of close proximity.

Recall that attempts to touch or kill snakes result in the majority of snakebite incidents. The most secure method is to observe them from a distance and recognize their significance to the ecology.


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