Brush Fires Pop Up in Central Florida as Drought Conditions Worsen; Alert Issued

As a result of the dry weather, there have been a number of small brush fires breaking out over Central Florida.

A storm system is expected to arrive on Thursday, which will cause the winds to increase up again. This is in addition to the dry brush and environment.

Due to the presence of these three factors, the National Weather Service has issued a red flag warning for the majority of Central Florida, indicating that there is an enhanced risk of fire.

Brush Fires Pop Up in Central Florida as Drought Conditions Worsen; Alert Issued (1)

The likelihood of precipitation is extremely low, at twenty percent, as the system moves across Central Florida.

It is considered that the majority of the region is experiencing a drought, with Central Florida receiving an average rainfall of inches less than what is considered typical. A continuous reference scale that is used to estimate the degree to which the soil is dry is known as the Keetch-Byram drought index.

When the readings are higher, it indicates that the environment is more conducive to the beginning and spread of wildfires. There are more elements that contribute to the daily wildfire danger factor, such as wind and relative humidity.

As we approach the end of the month, it seems that widespread rain opportunities will be difficult to come by.

In the state of Florida, the peak of wildfire season occurs throughout the spring and early summer months.

The occurrence of La Nina, which is known to keep the southeastern region of the United States dry, is believed to have played a role in the drought.

Reference: Wildfire threat increases in Central Florida with next cold front

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