Can You Carry Medical Marijuana on a Cruise? Guidelines Explained

Due to the growing number of states legalizing medical marijuana, tourists are frequently interested in learning about the policies governing its possession and use while on cruises.

Choosing what to bring on a cruise may seem simple, but some of your standard travel accessories may get you in trouble while at sea. For example, parents’ best friend, baby monitors, are not allowed on cruise ships since they can tamper with the ship’s navigational system.

This post will give a thorough overview of the laws governing the use of medicinal marijuana while sailing, examine the various cruise lines’ policies, and provide important advice for prudent travel.

Cruise passengers are not permitted to carry any kind of marijuana on board

While different cruise companies may employ different phrasing in their policy, they all agree that marijuana usage is strictly prohibited. You cannot bring any marijuana-infused or derived products onto the aircraft, not even with a valid medical prescription.

This includes THC and CBD products. Anyone who disobeys this regulation risk having their cruise terminated, paying fines, and suffering a variety of additional consequences, including jail time.

In an effort to ensure that the message is understood, some cruise lines are even more explicit. One cruise line, Disney Cruises, prohibits “drug paraphernalia used for marijuana” in its regulations.

“In case there’s any confusion, let me remind guests that while marijuana and cannabis products may be legal in some states, we are required to follow federal law, irrespective of the law in the state where you may be boarding your ship,” stated Christine Duffy in a video PSA that really kicked things up a notch for Carnival Cruise Line. She also added that those with medical marijuana prescriptions won’t get a pass. “For guests using medical marijuana, you should consult with your physician about an alternative therapy during your cruise.”

If discovered, cruise liners may ban you

There are serious repercussions for being found in possession of marijuana while on a cruise. For example, Carnival makes it very clear that smoking in non-smoking places is prohibited and that there would be a $500 fine for doing so. Furthermore, things might get lot worse if they discover marijuana on you.

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You might face higher fines, jail time, or possibly not being allowed to board. You can be kicked off the ship in the next port if you are detected in the middle of the cruise.

For proof, The Wall Street Journal stated that a TikTok influencer who was asked to leave his cruise during its Jamaican stop for using marijuana was in possession of a medicinal marijuana license.

Or consider the woman who missed her vacation and any subsequent ones with the line and was permanently barred from Carnival cruises after being found in possession of CBD gummies.

Then there’s the Reddit user whose cousin was found in possession of marijuana in Bermuda, resulting in a fine of almost $500, a permanent ban from Norwegian Cruise Lines, and an advisory not to go back.

It’s evident that a lot of cruise companies are adopting a strict anti-marijuana policy; some even send out drug-sniffing dogs to apprehend guests who attempt to bring the substance on board. Should the regulations seem very burdensome, it could be time to think about going on a different kind of vacation.

“If people can’t conform to the posted rules, the cruise may not be (the) best option for them,” cruise expert Stewart Chiron said in an interview with USA Today.


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