The Los Angeles City Council passed a motion last week to ban “digital discrimination.” This is when internet service providers (ISPs) don’t give high-speed internet to all neighborhoods equally or don’t give neighborhoods of color or low-income people the best deals on their services. The bill, which was written by Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson, added digital...
Category: Us News
Exploring US States With Highest and Lowest Crime Rates in 2024
The rate of serious crime was highest in New Mexico, and the rate of property crime was highest in Washington. There was the least amount of serious crime in Maine, and the least amount of property crime in Idaho. The US crime rate has been going down for decades, and new research backs this up....
Listing 10 Most Dangerous Viruses in US to Stay Safe From
COVID-19 is very common, but compared to these 10 viruses, it doesn’t kill as many people. Marburg virus The Marburg virus is the most dangerous one. No, that has nothing to do with the disease. It was named after a cute little town on the Lahn River. It is called a hemorrhagic fever virus. Like...
Kalalau Trail Becomes the Most Dangerous Hikes in America, Here is How?
Hikers get the wanderlust from pictures of the dramatic and lush Nā Pali Coast, but the Kalalau Trail that follows this dramatic beachfront makes hikers feel something much less romantic: fear. She lives on Kauai and has written books about climbing on the island. “People have a hard time with some of the dropoffs,” she...
Try This to Stay Safe From Nuclear Fallout in Minnesota
When a nuclear bomb goes off, radioactive dust and other waste are sent into the air. This is called “nuclear fallout,” and it is very bad for both people and the environment. It’s important to know how to protect yourself and your family from the effects of a nuclear accident that might happen in or...
This is How to Stay Safe from Nuclear Fallout in Wisconsin
The state of New York has a lot of history and culture, and it has a lot of different kinds of people living in it. There are also some of the world’s best and most famous schools there, like Columbia University, Cornell University, and New York University. In spite of this, not every part of...
New Study Reveals the Least Educated City in New York
The state of New York has a lot of history and culture, and it has a lot of different kinds of people living in it. There are also some of the world’s best and most famous schools there, like Columbia University, Cornell University, and New York University. In spite of this, not every part of...
This Biggest Mass Murder in America History Shut Down the State
There was a terrible event in Guyana, South America, on November 18, 1978, where more than 900 people died. It was called the Jonestown murder. It was the worst mass murder-suicide in U.S. history, and the world was shocked by how mean and horrible it was. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple: Their Rise and...
This Florida City Becomes the Least Diverse for High Latino Population
Anthropologists and demographers have known for a long time that the U.S. is a “melting pot” of different racial and cultural groups. And because it is close to places like Cuba and Puerto Rico, Florida, especially South Florida, is known to get a lot of Latino immigrants. The U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent report on...
Florida City to Upgrade Sewage System After Legal Environmental Violations
After a federal judge approved a consent agreement with the Friends of the Lower Keys, Marathon, Florida will have to make big changes to its sewage system. Because of this group of worried neighbors’ attention to Marathon’s environmental violations, the company was forced to follow the Clean Water Act to protect endangered species and ecosystems...