Central Florida Weather Forecast Highs in the 60s, Winds Blowing Up to 15 Mph, and Mostly Dry Conditions

According to the National Weather Service, Central Florida is expected to experience temperatures that range from the upper 50s to the middle 60s this afternoon.

This comes after the region saw cloudy conditions and temperatures in the low 40s on Saturday morning.

This is approximately five to ten degrees lower than what is typical for this time of year.

In addition to generally sunny skies, the National Weather Service (NWS) forecasts that the region will see mostly dry weather.

Into the afternoon, winds from the north to the northwest are expected to blow at speeds ranging from 5 to 10 miles per hour, with gusts reaching up to 15 miles per hour.

This day will have a high temperature of 61 degrees and a low temperature of 46 degrees.

Reference: Cool weather and mostly sunny skies expected in Central Florida on Saturday

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