Delaware's Bear Attack Statistics How Many People Are Affected

For both locals and visitors, it is imperative to comprehend the realities of bear encounters in Delaware.

It’s important to keep in mind that bears are typically shy creatures who shun human interaction, even though sightings of them are become increasingly frequent.

You may, however, help assure your safety by being aware of what to do if you come across a bear.

Bear Attack Rate in Delaware: How Many Victims?

In Delaware, bear assaults happen infrequently. Bear sightings are rare, and the state is not known to have a large population of bears.

Black bears are often not hostile toward humans, and this is the case in Delaware for the majority of bear-related incidents.

Sightings and Incidents involving Bears

There have been some noteworthy bear sightings in Delaware in recent years. In June 2024, for instance, there were several reports of seeing a black bear in Newark.

Sadly, a car struck and killed this bear, who went by the cute nickname “Delabear.” While these sightings frequently create a stir in the community, people are rarely harmed as a result of them.

How to react if you come across a black bear?

  • Raise your voice, start singing, clap your hands, or make some other noise to let it know you are there.
  • Wave your arms to make yourself appear as large as you can. When standing next to someone else, keep your arms up above your head.
  • A bear may be attempting to gain a better perspective or detect odors in the air if it stands on its hind legs or approaches. Most of the time, it is not a dangerous practice.
  • However, warning indicators that you are too close include a succession of huffs, a popping jaw sound made by snapping the jaws, and swatting the ground. When confronted with danger, cornered, or trying to steal food, black bears will occasionally “bluff charge”. Avoid making direct eye contact, maintain your position, and then carefully back away. Do not flee.
  • Attacks by black bears are incredibly rare. When a black bear attacks, defend yourself.
  • Call 800-523-3336 to report the sighting to the Division of Fish & Wildlife.
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How to secure your property from bears?

The following advice comes from the state’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control as well as the New Castle County Police:

  • Trash should be kept inside until the day of pickup, or it should be locked in a safe container. (If you store it in your garage, make sure to shut the door; bears frequently enter garages in quest of food.)
  • Cooking grills should be kept free of food residue or stored inside.
  • To get rid of food odor, rinse garbage cans with ammonia.
  • Put an end to using backyard compost piles for the time being.
  • Remove bird feeders temporarily.

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To Conclude

Although bear encounters are uncommon in Delaware, it is nevertheless important for your safety to be aware of the potential risks and take the appropriate measures.

You may reduce your chance of coming across bears and enjoy the outdoors in peace by according to the advice in this article. Always remember to stay cool, stay away from the bear, and report any sightings to the local wildlife authorities.


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