Denver ranked among cities with the most bedbugs in 2024

Are you starting to feel itchy? A pest control service that operates across the country recently published a new report on the cities in the United States with the highest number of bedbugs. According to the report, Denver had a significant number of these pests. Orkin, a company that gets rid of pests, kept track of the cities where it had to treat the most bedbugs between December 1, 2022, and November 30, 2023.

What cities have the most bedbugs?

Bedbugs are bloodsucking insects that only feed on blood. Even if you haven’t stayed in hotels, you should still check your bed. The ranking includes treatments for both residential and commercial properties.

  1. Chicago, Illinois
  2. New York, New York
  3. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  4. Cleveland-Akron, Ohio
  5. Los Angeles, California
  6. Detroit, Michigan
  7. Washington, D.C.
  8. Indianapolis, Indiana
  9. Charlotte, North Carolina
  10. Champaign, Illinois
  11. Columbus, Ohio
  12. Cincinnati, Ohio
  13. Atlanta, Georgia
  14. Grand Rapids, Michigan
  15. Denver, Colorado
  16. Baltimore, Maryland
  17. Richmond, Virginia
  18. Greensboro, North Carolina
  19. St. Louis, Missouri
  20. Youngstown, Ohio

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Check for bedbugs at Home

Orkin suggests that you should regularly inspect your home for any signs of bedbugs.

  • Check places such as mattress tags and seams, as well as behind baseboards, headboards, electrical outlets, and picture frames.
  • Make sure to check your house in these situations: when you move in, after a trip, when a service worker comes, or after guests stay overnight.
  • Simplify the items in your home to make it easier to see bedbugs.
  • Make sure to carefully inspect any used furniture before bringing it into your house.
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Check for bedbugs during travel

When you’re traveling, Orkin suggests using the acronym S.L.E.E.P.

  • Survey the hotel room for signs of an infestation like ink-colored stains on mattress seams, in soft furniture and behind headboards
  • Lift and look in bedbug hiding spots: the mattress, box spring, furniture, behind baseboards, pictures, torn wallpaper
  • Elevate your luggage away from the bed and wall and move it to the bathroom or counters
  • Examine your luggage while repacking and after you’re home. Store luggage away from the bed.
  • Place clothing from your luggage in the dryer for at least 30-45 minutes at the highest setting after you’re home


A pest control service, Orkin, has reported the highest number of bedbugs in the US, with Denver being the most affected. The report highlights the importance of regular home inspections, simplifying items, and using the acronym S.L.E.E.P. when traveling to identify bedbugs. The ranking includes treatments for both residential and commercial properties.

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