Donate by Dec. 31 to Support Michigan’s Foster Youth With the Fostering Futures Scholarship Fund and Receive Tax Breaks

There are only a few days left to make a 2024 commitment to the Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund, which assists foster youngsters throughout the state in pursuing higher education.

The Michigan Department of Treasury manages the scholarship fund, and officials say it has helped hundreds of students pay for tuition, housing, and textbooks.

Rebecca Yager, a Bay City Central High School alumnus, is one of the award recipients. She attends Delta College in Saginaw County.

“Being awarded this scholarship has been life-changing,” Yager told me. “It’s more than just cash assistance; it’s knowing someone believes in your abilities. I encourage everyone to donate, not just for the tax breaks, but also to provide opportunities for foster youngsters to achieve.”

Officials estimate that there are around 9,500 children in foster care in Michigan at any given moment. When they reach maturity, they often lack the resources to further their studies.

“Former foster youth face significant barriers to education, with only 3% nationwide achieving a college degree,” according to a press statement from the Michigan Department of Treasury. “The Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund is committed to changing that statistic.”

The scholarship fund was created in 2012 and has given out more than $1.4 million in scholarships. The funds have been raised through community donations, sponsorships, and events.

“Your donation does more than just provide financial aid; it allows foster youth to dream big and achieve their goals,” stated Diane Brewer, Executive Director of the Michigan Education Trust. “Every contribution helps change lives and builds a brighter future for these deserving young individuals.”

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Contributions made by December 31 are eligible for state and federal tax advantages for the current tax year. They will also have a direct impact in 2025, ensuring that more foster youngsters may complete their education.

Fostering Futures scholarships cover attendance at any Michigan degree-granting college or university.

To learn more, visit the link below or contact 888-4-GRANTS (888-447-2687).


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