Final Countdown: December 2024 Social Security Payments Deadline Approaches

With the end of the year 2024 approaching, the United States Social Security Administration is about to send out the last of the payments for retirees of all kinds. So, if you have an accepted retirement benefit and have not yet gotten it, pay attention to find out what the requirements are to get the next one.

In case you are not part of the group of citizens who receive the payment in the next few days and do not have a check accepted, it is possible that your check is overdue. In that case, by all means try to claim your payment as soon as possible, as there may be problems with it. So try to claim the payment from Social Security or check that your bank details are correct.

In any case, this will be the last of the payments corresponding to the 2024 Social Security schedule, so after this payment all the checks sent by the Administration will correspond to the 2025 schedule payments. Check the requirements carefully to determine whether or not you will actually have the payment available.

Who gets the last Social Security payment for December 2024?

In order to get the last of the December 2024 Social Security payments we will need to meet two requirements. On the one hand, you must be 65 years of age or older. It is also possible to get the payment if we have a disability. On the other hand, it is necessary to have low resources and low monthly income.

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By fulfilling both conditions, we will be able to receive payment of the check on the 31st of December. This will be the last payment of the year and, in addition, it has an irregularity. Actually, the payment should be sent on the 1st of January, but that day will be a holiday, so the Administration will send the check on the immediately preceding business day.

Remember that the collection method chosen determines whether we get the payment earlier or later. Thus, with Direct Deposit we will be able to enjoy the check on the same day it is sent. If we do not activate this collection method, the Social Security Administration will send the payment on that day, but we will have it available two or three days later.

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