Here are the Most Dangerous Neighborhoods to Live in New Orleans

New Orleans is renowned for its vibrant nightlife and reputation as a party hub in the South, comparable to popular destinations like Miami and Nashville. However, for numerous individuals seeking to relocate to the city, residing in a secure neighborhood with minimal crime rates is of utmost importance. Today, we delve into the city’s crime rates and unveil the ten most perilous neighborhoods in New Orleans.

Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in New Orleans

Pines Village

Pines Village has been identified as the most dangerous neighborhood in New Orleans. Pines Village, with a population of 3,100, has a crime rate that surpasses the national average by 469% and the state average by 289%. In Pines Village, violent crime is a pressing concern, with frequent incidents of shootings and gang violence. Residents face a 10% chance of falling victim to a violent crime, according to recent data.

West Lake Forest

West Lake Forest has become another violent neighborhood in New Orleans. The population of this area is 4,200, with a majority being from the working class and facing economic challenges. The crime rate in this area is significantly higher than the national average, with an increase of 423%.

West Lake Forest, a neighborhood in New Orleans, has experienced significant impact from Hurricane Katrina. Despite multiple re-development projects undertaken in the aftermath of the storm, West Lake Forest continues to be a perilous area in the city.

Central City

Central City has been identified as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in New Orleans. The town is home to a population of 13,000 residents, but unfortunately, it also has a crime rate that is 420% higher than the national average. Violent crime rates are soaring, fueled by the presence of gangs and the thriving drug trade. Central City is situated at the southern edge of Uptown, positioned just north of the bustling New Orleans Central Business district.

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Saint Claude

The population of Saint Claude stands at 6,562, with a crime rate of 11,087 per 100,000 people. This crime rate is significantly higher than both the national average and the Louisiana state average, with an increase of 373% and 215% respectively. There have been numerous incidents of shootings in Saint Claude, with many of them being linked to gang violence and drug-related activities. According to recent data, residents face a 10% chance of falling victim to various crimes.

Seventh Ward

In the Seventh Ward, the population stands at 10,552, while the crime rate is at a staggering 10,995 per 100,000 residents. This crime rate is a staggering 369% higher than the national average. According to recent data, residents face a 1 in 10 chance of falling victim to various types of crimes. In the Seventh Ward, poverty has been a persistent issue, with residents facing an average annual income of only $21,520.

Saint Roch

The population of Saint Roch is 6,398, with a crime rate that surpasses the national average by 365%. In Saint Roch, there is a significant prevalence of violent crimes, including murders, robberies, and assaults. Property crime rates are on the rise, with car thefts and burglaries being the most frequently reported incidents. Residents in this area express a lack of confidence in the police’s ability to provide adequate protection, as shootings occur frequently.

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