How the $825 Stimulus Check Could Affect CalFresh and CalWORKs Eligibility

Stimulus checks are a relief for the finances of low-income American families who are struggling to make ends meet due to the rising cost of living.

In some states, aid initiatives that began during the Covid-19 pandemic are being maintained, one of which has just been launched in California with the Sacramento Family First (FFESP) pilot program, which began distributing a monthly direct payment of $825 on December 15.

If you’re wondering whether participating in this program could affect your CalFresh and CalWORKs benefits, the answer is no, as “the California Department of Social Services has determined that all Guaranteed Income (GI) Programs statewide are exempt from eligibility calculations for CalWORKs benefits, and pilot programs that meet certain criteria may also be exempt from eligibility calculations for CalFresh benefits,” according to the FFESP website in the frequently asked questions section.

According to the information, the FFESP meets the required criteria, so FFESP funding to the 200 pilot program beneficiaries will not affect eligibility or benefit calculations related to CalWORKs or CalFresh.

“Many other benefits have also been evaluated and will not be affected, such as tribal TANF, housing subsidies through the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA), subsidized child care through DHA for CalWORKs participants, and WIC for families who also receive CalWORKs, CalFresh and/or Medi-Cal,” they add in the text, although they do warn that it is the applicant’s responsibility to take into account that FFESP funds may change the household’s total income threshold and eligibility for other benefits not listed above.

See also  Stimulus Payments in December 2024: $1600 Checks Are Going Out to These Eligible Residents!

What is the Sacramento Family First program?

The Sacramento Family First pilot program is a 12-month guaranteed income initiative, in which the only way it could be suspended before the year is if a family moves out of California and is determined to no longer meet the FFESP criteria.

The Sacramento Family First program seeks to support the well-being of children in the 200 families chosen, to reduce economic inequality, with a monthly payment of $825 from December 15, 2024 to November 15, 2025.

Recipients will receive a direct deposit to bank accounts linked to tax returns. If this information is not available, the state will send a physical check to the registered address.

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