It’s Official Here Are the Detailed Requirements You Need to Meet to Qualify for Social Security Payments for the First Time in 2025

In the year 2025, many of the citizens of the United States will start collecting a monthly Social Security check, but to be able to do so it is necessary to meet some requirements.

These requirements are the minimum requirements, which means that we won’t get too big a check once we start collecting it, but we will at least have a monthly retirement check.

Indeed, there is not only one way to get a Social Security check, but this time we are talking about age retirement checks. Therefore, if we have already reached an age and, in addition, we have worked a minimum number of hours we are going to be able to enjoy this new payment starting in 2025.

Not only that, but it is also possible to get another extra check if we meet other requirements.

Minimum Requirements for Social Security in 2025

When we talk about Social Security requirements we always talk about two minimum requirements. The first is age. The second is years worked. We have to reach a minimum number in both aspects to have our retirement payment every month.

So, to understand it better, we can see that the minimum requirements for the Social Security retirement payment in 2025 are:

These two requirements are indispensable, but it is not advisable to apply for Social Security under these conditions. If we apply for a Social Security check at age 62, we will get a much smaller check than if we wait until full retirement, which is between 66 and 67.

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On the other hand, having only 40 work credits means having a very small benefit. The more years worked, the better the retirement benefit. We must also add that the salary during those years worked significantly changes the retirement check we get.

Extra Social Security payments in 2025

In addition to the retirement payment, it is also possible to get an extra payment in 2025. This extra payment means having a check for up to $967 more each month. But each application for this benefit is indeed totally individual, as well as the amount received.

If we want to apply for this extra payment we must ask for Supplemental Security Income at the Social Security Administration. These checks have two mandatory requirements that we must also meet.

Thus, having an SSI payment requires being 65 years old or having a disability in addition to low resources. If we are in that group, we should apply for this extra payment from Social Security so that we can enjoy a little extra money each month.

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