Listing 7 Worst Zip Codes To Live In The United States

Are you residing in one of the most challenging zip codes in the United States?

Americans usually feel a strong connection to their state or hometown. Texans love to proudly talk about their state. Living in Los Angeles usually means that most people in your life know you’re from L.A. How about providing your zip code? Only the savvy home buyer knows that each zip code in America holds unique information that can distinguish a good place to live from a great one.

Many individuals believe that residents nationwide consider their location to be the best in the country. Ultimately, you wouldn’t choose to live in a place you didn’t genuinely adore. Is that correct? It’s not always the case. Based on a recent study by the Pew Research Center, it was found that nearly half of Americans prefer to reside in a different location than their current one.

If you live in one of the zip codes we’re going to discuss, chances are you prefer not to relocate. This study aims to utilize scientific methods to identify the most problematic American zip codes. Although impartial, this study considers aspects that are widely seen as positive by most Americans. While you may have strong opinions, it’s impossible to dispute the methodology. It appears that a Native American Reservation in Arizona is considered the worst zip code in America. Is this the best? It’s not shocking that a zip code in downtown NYC is considered the best in the country.

The Worst Zip Codes In The United States

1. 85911 – Cibecue, AZ

  • Total number of residents: 1,914
  • College Graduates: 4%
  • Income from household: $12,031
  • Unemployment rate is at 54%.
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It may seem unfair, but statistically, the middle of nowhere in Arizona ranks as the least desirable place to live in the country when looking at zip codes. It’s no surprise that many individuals are unemployed, and the majority of the population here struggles with poverty.

2. 78829 – Batesville, TX

  • Total number of residents: 1,186
  • College Graduates: 4%
  • Household income is $17,032.
  • Unemployment rate is at 32%.

The zip code containing small Batesville, Texas is not particularly appealing when examining the data. Approximately one-third of the residents are unemployed, yet nearly everyone here lives well below their financial limits each month.

3. 86520 – Blue Gap, AZ

  • Total population: 2,002
  • 2% of the population has a college education.
  • Household income is $16,032.
  • Unemployment rate is at 40%.

There are definitely some problems in the vicinity of Blue Gap, Arizona. Actually, half of the cities listed are located in rural Arizona. It’s surprising that in present-day America, there are communities where residents earn very little income.

4. 92257 – Niland, CA

  • Total number of residents: 1,757
  • College Graduates: 3%
  • Household income is $18,000.
  • Unemployment rate stands at 26%.

Properties in Niland, CA typically cost around $50,000 each, reflecting the limited entertainment options and extreme heat during long periods of the year. Only 3% of the community managed to go to college.

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5. 57756 – Manderson, SD

  • Population: 1,349
  • Zero percent of individuals have a college education.
  • Household income is $17,000.
  • Unemployment rate stands at 46%.
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You may want to steer clear of the zip code that covers Manderson, South Dakota, as it is one of two in the area that you might want to avoid. It’s quite concerning that no one in this zip code has attended college, indicating a lack of opportunities and stimulation in the area.

6. 86031 – Indian Wells, AZ

  • Total number of residents: 2,027
  • 1% of individuals have a college education.
  • Household income is $14,000.
  • Unemployment rate stands at 43%.

How can 2,000 individuals survive on only half of the government’s defined poverty line? Why are homes priced at $60,000 each in this rural part of the Arizona desert?

7. 57714 – Allen, SD

  • Total number of residents: 1,054
  • College Graduates: 5%
  • Household income is $23,000.
  • Unemployment rate is at 34%.

Rural South Dakota could be considered one of the most uneventful areas in the U.S. With a population of just over 1,000 people and significant poverty, it’s one of the least desirable zip codes in the country. You have the option to purchase a home for $21,000.

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