Man Poisoned Wife’s Soda to Marry Her Daughter, Sentenced in Indiana

Alfred Ruf, 71, of Indiana, admitted to poisoning his wife’s soda as part of a bizarre scheme to kill her and wed her daughter. He was given a nine-year prison term, five of which are suspended.

In 2021, Ruf’s spouse was admitted to the hospital several times due to symptoms that seemed to be poisoned. In January 2022, Ruf admitted to giving his wife an unidentified drug with the intention of killing her during a welfare check at their residence.

Subsequent tests indicated the presence of substances such as MDMA and cocaine in her system, despite her denials.

On the wife’s Coca-Cola can, investigators from the Wanye County Sheriff’s Office found a white, powdery substance that Ruf claimed originated from her daughter.

He acknowledged that his goal in poisoning her drink twelve times was to murder her.

Court records revealed a troubling motivation: the daughter stated that she wanted to “get mom out of the picture” in order to acquire her life insurance, that Ruf and her had a sexual relationship.

While the victim was rendered unconscious by the poison, the daughter and a friend are also accused of stealing from her.

Prior to this, Ruf’s wife had claimed thefts and thought she was being drugged. On January 3, 2022, Ruf finally admitted to his wife, saying he “felt bad.”

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Ruf’s sentence to prison includes four years of probation after his release. It is said that two more people are being looked into in relation to this case.

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