Ohio's Danger Zones The 5 Most Dangerous Places in the State

Ohio provides many inhabitants with a great standard of living, but it’s crucial to know which parts of the state have higher rates of crime.

Having knowledge of these areas will enable you to choose wisely about where to travel or reside. In order to ensure your safety and awareness, this article will examine the top five hazardous locations in Ohio.


Population 361,607
Violent Crimes 5,884
Property Crimes 15,779
Total Crimes 21,663
Chances of Becoming a Victim 1 in 61

The second-most populated city in Ohio, Cleveland, has a 59.61 percent crime rate. Cleveland has a crime rate that is 155% greater than the US average. The city had a sharp rise in violence in 2024, which is most likely the main cause of Cleveland’s high level of danger in certain districts.


Population 69,671
Violent Crimes 827
Property Crimes 3,887
Total Crimes 4,714
Chances of Becoming a Victim 1 in 84

There’s a very good reason why Canton made the list of Ohio’s most dangerous cities. The crime rate in Cantion, Ohio is 67.66, and it has recently soared.

Canton’s comprehensive statistics show a troubling pattern of violent crimes that is strongly associated with the high percentages of poverty and unemployment in the city.

A significant part in changing the current situation can also be played by community-based initiatives that involve locals in social services and crime prevention.

Canton’s high crime rate necessitates both more extensive social interventions and a strong response from the law enforcement community.

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Population 18,944
Violent Crimes 171
Property Crimes 1,212
Total Crimes 1,383
Chances of Becoming a Victim 1 in 118
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With a crime rate of 68.83 per 1000 residents, Whitehall is without a doubt one of the riskiest communities in Ohio.

The difference in crime rates in Whitehall’s several city neighborhoods draws attention to the unequal distribution of resources and economic growth.

In order to address the root causes of crime, the differences in crime rates not only emphasize the need for increased security measures but also demand a thorough assessment of economic policies and resource allocation.

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Population 135,944
Violent Crimes 1,605
Property Crimes 5,875
Total Crimes 7,480
Chances of Becoming a Victim 1 in 85

At 55.02 per 1000 residents, the overall crime rate is significantly higher than that of the majority of the nation’s similarly sized cities.

Dayton’s struggle with the drug trade and economic woes is reflected in its crime rate, which is 299% greater than the state average.

The slump in the local economy has made it easier for crime to thrive, which is why law enforcement and community efforts have focused on it.

Dayton’s concerning crime statistics highlight how urgently law enforcement and community organizations must step up their efforts.

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Population 6,393
Violent Crimes 53
Property Crimes 429
Total Crimes 482
Chances of Becoming a Victim 1 in 124

Moraine is the most hazardous city in Ohio, with a crime rate of 73.34 per 1000 residents. You can realize how serious of an issue this is when you consider that Moraine only has 6,393 residents.

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With a shocking difference of 217%, Moraine’s overall crime rate is greater than the national average. Simultaneously, the rate is four times greater than Ohio’s average crime rate.

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To Conclude

Ohio provides many inhabitants with a high quality of life, but it’s vital to be aware of the areas of the state that are more likely to experience crime.

Making educated selections about where to visit or reside might be aided by your understanding of these topics. You may reduce your risk and have a fun and safe trip to Ohio by being knowledgeable and following the appropriate safety measures.


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