One Dead, Nine Injured in Targeted Shooting and Fiery Wreck Near Maryland Funeral Home

One person died and nine others were injured in a gunshot and subsequent horrific automobile wreck in Maryland on Tuesday, according to police.

Officers responded to an intersection near Johnson-Fosbrink Funeral and Cremation Services in Towson around 7:15 p.m. after receiving reports of many gunshots, according to the Baltimore County Police Department.

At a press conference, Baltimore County Police Chief Robert McCullough stated that an automobile collided outside the funeral home, which looked to be closed at the time.

“When officers arrived, they found a vehicle on its side and in flames,” McCullough told the reporter. “Our police investigated the scene. They discovered many victims and notified the fire department.

McCullough revealed little specifics regarding the shooting but stated that investigators believe it was targeted and isolated.

Officials did not reveal the conditions for the nine hospitalized victims. They stated it’s still unclear whether all nine were shot. However, earlier that evening, police officials stated in a post on X that the incident was “considered a mass shooting.”

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Some gunfire damaged the funeral home’s front, and police got reports of gunshots in other locations, officials added. McCullough described the incident as “an ongoing, rolling type of gun situation that led up to the funeral home.” Police rushed to reports of gunshots and discovered the blazing automobile on its side.

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Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski stated that his office will assist police and fire investigators with the resources needed to solve the matter.

“This is an incident that is shocking, particularly for those of us in Baltimore County,” he told me. “These types of incidents are unheard of here, and so it shocks the conscience.”

Reference: 1 dead, 9 injured in Maryland shooting and fiery car crash: police

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