One Driver Seriously Injured in School Bus and Corvette Crash in Grafton, Students Unharmed

A school bus transporting Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High students was involved in a crash with another vehicle in Grafton, Massachusetts, early Tuesday.

The bus and a Chevrolet Corvette crashed shortly after 7 a.m. on Upton Street, also known as Route 140, near Brown Road. The bus was carrying 14 high school kids at the time. None of the pupils were wounded.

A school bus and an automobile were engaged in a collision in Grafton, Massachusetts.
According to officials, the Corvette driver sustained significant injuries, while the bus driver received minor injuries.

Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick, Superintendent of Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational High School, stated that the car entered the bus’s travel lane; nevertheless, the collision is still being investigated.

One Driver Seriously Injured in School Bus and Corvette Crash in Grafton, Students Unharmed

“The students were medically assessed and cleared on-scene by emergency medical professionals and brought to school via a second bus,” Fitzpatrick told reporters.

Shabakka Herring, a resident, heard the crash on the busy road.

“Engine rev loudly, and then a big boom, so I ran downstairs and saw everything that was going on,” Herring told me. “Fortunately, a lot of people stopping to help, which is good, checking on the kids, checking on those drivers.”

Route 140 was closed for several hours as an accident reconstruction team investigated.

Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High is located in Upton and serves students from Bellingham, Blackstone, Douglas, Grafton, Hopedale, Mendon, Milford, Millbury, Millville, Northbridge, Sutton, Upton, and Uxbridge.

Reference: School bus, Corvette involved in crash in Grafton, Massachusetts

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