Over 600,000 Alaskans Eligible for $1,702 PFD Stimulus – Application Deadline Looms

DDNAlaskans are bracing for a new economic boost from the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) stimulus deposit, an annual transfer of the wealth generated by the state’s natural resources.

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, founded in 1976, is in charge of managing the state’s oil income and distributing them to the community, which uses the funds to pay for necessities such as healthcare, transportation, housing, and food.

The PFD’s distribution of natural resource income is intended to ensure that the financial advantages of the state’s oil and gas revenues reach Alaskans directly. The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation manages the budget, which provides a consistent supply of money to those who qualify each year.

This stimulus deposit is another way the State of Alaska compensates its citizens who leave the state for work, military duty, or medical treatment. A parent, guardian, or state-appointed representative may apply on behalf of a juvenile or disabled person.

Alaskans Will Get a New Economic Stimulus Deposit of $1,702

Between January 1 and March 31, each year, each family member’s PFD application must be submitted online or by mail. Approximately 600,000 Alaskans are eligible for the $1702 increase in aid in 2025. According to the Permanent Fund Dividend (PDF) website, division applications for 2024 (and preceding years) that were ‘Eligible-Unpaid’ on January 8, 2025 will be disbursed on January 16, 2025.

Keep in mind that to qualify, you must be an Alaskan registered resident who has lived in the state for at least a year and has no urgent intentions to leave.

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Similarly, you must have spent at least 72 hours in Alaska in the last 24 months, and you must not have been imprisoned for a felony during the last 12 months, or for a misdemeanor if you have been convicted of a felony or two misdemeanors since January 1, 1997.

The online application period for the 2025 Permanent Fund Dividend stimulus deposit is currently open and will last from January 1 to March 31, 2025.

The online application allows you to file your application at any time and from any location by providing 24/7 access and reliable, secure information security. Furthermore, the program emphasizes that recipients should know the following details:

  • If approved, online applications paid for by direct transfer will be included in the first stimulus deposit in early October.
  • Applications submitted online and paid for by check, as well as those submitted on paper and confirmed to be eligible, will be distributed in the second stimulus deposit in late October.
  • Please use your myAlaska username to submit your online application. To go to my PFD, enter the myAlaska username you used to submit your application. This will provide you with further information about your application and allow you to electronically sign, amend your address, and make a stimulus payment in addition to reading your 1099 tax document.
  • If there are any missing or incomplete responses, your application will be reviewed.

Please bear in mind that the myAlaska system is a secure way for Alaskans to log on and log out. This electronic signature and authentication system enables Alaskans to engage with different State of Alaska agencies using a single login.

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The Permanent Fund Dividend (PDF) Division collaborates with myAlaska while being a different business. However, some myAlaska subscribers have reportedly received phishing text messages suggesting that they update or change their passwords, so Alaskans should exercise caution.

You should not reply to these communications. MyAlaska does not send email or text messages asking users to reset their passwords.

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