In a disturbing series of events, a group of robbers targeted multiple 7-Eleven stores across Los Angeles in January 2024, marking a significant rise in convenience store robberies in the area. The criminals, operating with alarming coordination and boldness, managed to steal approximately $3,500 in cash, cigarettes, and lottery tickets in a single overnight spree. The Arrests and Investigation The swift response from law enforcement led to the arrest of two individuals, Malik Patt, aged 20, and Jason Payne, aged 44. These arrests followed a five-hour crime wave that spanned San Bernardino, Orange, and Riverside counties, leaving a trail of...
January 13, 2024January 22, 2024
The average gas price in LA County is now $4.66, the lowest it has been in almost a year
As of January 2024, Los Angeles has seen notable changes in its gas prices. The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline in Los Angeles is currently $4.443, which is a slight decrease from $4.465 the previous week, but an increase from $4.239 a year ago. This represents a year-over-year increase of 4.81%, indicating a rising trend in fuel costs. Comparative Analysis of Regional Prices In Southern California, the gas prices have been fluctuating, with some areas experiencing slight decreases. For example, in Riverside, the average gas price is $4.61, which is higher than the previous week but lower...