Home News Pierce County Seeks Volunteers for 2025 Homeless Point-In-Time Count to Shape Future Policies

Pierce County Seeks Volunteers for 2025 Homeless Point-In-Time Count to Shape Future Policies

Pierce County Seeks Volunteers for 2025 Homeless Point-In-Time Count to Shape Future Policies

As the city confronts the persistent issue of homelessness, Pierce County is calling upon community members to volunteer for the 2025 Homeless Point-In-Time Count. This event is a concerted effort to provide a snapshot of the individuals who are living without stable housing, whether that’s in shelters, vehicles, or on the streets, as reported by

Pierce County


The Pierce County Human Services (PCHS) outreach, as announced, seeks to compile comprehensive data on the local homeless population to inform future services and policy decisions. The annual PIT Count, a critical aspect of this initiative, relies on human service professionals and community volunteers to survey those experiencing homelessness, as per

Pierce County

. In doing so, the count aims to unearth the why behind the staggering numbers, to capture the lived experiences of those without a roof over their head, and importantly, to propel strategic planning for impactful services and programs.

Interested volunteers must meet certain requirements, such as being over 18 years of age and possessing a smartphone – essentials for participating in the survey process. Additionally, all volunteers are expected to commit to a training session, with options available for both in-person and virtual attendance. Prospective participants can

apply online

to sign up for various shifts taking place on the 30th and 31st of January, 2025.

For those unable to commit time to the count, there is still an opportunity to contribute. PCHS is accepting donations of new essential items such as space blankets, winter wearables, and hygiene products, as detailed by

Pierce County

. All items should be delivered to the specified PCHS office location by no later than January 27, ensuring they reach those who need them most, during the survey outreach.

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