Plow Truck Accident Leaves 74-year-old Injured in Hempfield Township During Severe Snowstorm

DDN – Severe weather is affecting Pennsylvania and other regions of the country.

A snowy mix produced traffic problems Monday, even resulting in a strange accident in Greensburg.

Trooper Steve Limani of the Pennsylvania State officers said the snow made for a hectic morning for officers and other first responders.

“We didn’t have a ton of crashes, but we had more than normal,” he informed me.

Authorities were dispatched to a place in Hempfield Township at approximately 8 a.m.

A man was reportedly struck by a plow tractor in the parking lot of an orthopedic business.

“It’s sort of a freak incident,” Limani explained.

According to troopers, 74-year-old Paul Tucci was hit by the back of the plow truck operated by Westmoreland Landscapes LLC.

The vehicle also has a salt spreader attached to it.

Officials suspect Tucci had just left a doctor’s appointment and was pulled or shoved rather than run over by the truck.

“We’re lucky that we had some witnesses because from the way it was described to me, the driver didn’t even realize,” Limani told me.

Tucci was brought to a local hospital and then transferred to one in Pittsburgh.

Police stated that it is too early in the inquiry to tell who is at fault.

“It didn’t appear he was doing any reckless driving in the parking lot or any crazy negligent acts that you would think, but it’s real early in our investigation,” Limani informed us.

Troopers advised everyone to be mindful of their surroundings when out in the snow.

“We’re early on into our season, so maybe we can just be vigilant so we don’t have any other accidents like this take place,” according to Limani.

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Tucci was seriously injured, but troopers say he is likely to live.

“It’s just a horrible tragedy, and we just hope he survives his injuries, and our prayers go out to his family,” Limani told the press.

The firm that operates the plow truck has yet to comment.

Reference: Man hit by snow plow while leaving doctor’s appointment in ‘freak’ accident

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