Social Security Confirms €650 Rise in Guaranteed Basic Income Under Minimum Vital Income for 2025

The Spanish Government has confirmed a 9% increase in the amounts of non-contributory pensions from IMSERSO (Institute for the Elderly and Social Services). This same percentage increase will also be applied to the guaranteed amounts of the Minimum Vital Income (IMV).

According to Social Security, “the Minimum Vital Income is a benefit aimed at preventing the risk of poverty and social exclusion of people who live alone or are part of a cohabitation unit and lack basic economic resources to cover their basic needs.”

Increase of 650 euros in the Minimum Vital Income

The Minimum Vital Income benefit can be collected as an individual beneficiary or as a member of a cohabitation unit. The amount varies depending on the number of members in the cohabitation unit.

Currently, the Guaranteed Basic Income of the Minimum Vital Income for an individual beneficiary is 7,250.60 euros per year. This represents an amount of 604.21 euros per month , since this benefit is accrued in 12 payments during the year.

With the 9% increase, the Guaranteed Basic Income of the Minimum Vital Income in 2025 will be 7,903.15 euros per year. This represents an amount of 658.59 euros per month in 2025. In addition, it represents an increase of 652.55 euros per year compared to 2024.

The amount of the Minimum Living Income for a household with five members is 15,951.24 euros per year in 2024. After applying the 9% revaluation, the amount of the IMV for a family with five members will be set at 17,386.85 euros per year. This represents an increase of 1,435.61 euros per year.

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Thus, the Social Security authorities state that “the Minimum Vital Income operates as a safety net aimed at allowing the transition from a situation of exclusion to participation in society. To this end, its design will contain incentives for employment and inclusion, articulated through different formulas of cooperation between administrations.”

Increase in the Minimum Vital Income supplements

Beneficiaries of the Minimum Vital Income can collect a series of economic supplements associated with this benefit. Thus, these are the supplements that can be collected in 2025 together with the IMV benefit:

  • Child Aid Supplement.
  • Single parent supplement.
  • Disability supplement.

The single-parent supplement is aimed at single-parent cohabitation units. The disability supplement is intended for cohabitation units in which one of the members has a disability equal to or greater than 65% .

Both supplements have an amount equivalent to 22% of the Guaranteed Basic Income of the Minimum Vital Income for an individual beneficiary. With the increase in the Minimum Vital Income, there is also an increase in the amount of both supplements.

Thus, the amount of the single-parent supplement and the disability supplement will be 1,738.69 euros per year in 2025. This is included in the Social Security regulations.

On the other hand, we find the Child Aid Supplement . This supplement is aimed at beneficiaries of the Minimum Vital Income with minor children in their care.

The amount depends on the age of the minors in the household . For the moment, the Spanish Government has not commented on possible changes to the amounts of this supplement for the year 2025.

See also  Confirmed – Social Security Payments of Up to $5,108 Arriving for Eligible Beneficiaries on January 31

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