St. Louis man survives near-fatal crash, writes book to educate and inspire others

ST. LOUIS, Mo. (DDN) – During tragedy, many people turn to new sources of hope. After 16 years since his near-fatal accident, one St. Louis man is finally grateful for the day that transformed his life.

Many people consider Natural Bridge Ave and Newstead Ave to be just a crossroads in north St. Louis, but Christopher Pate sees it as much more.

“I don’t remember that night,” Pate replied.

That junction was a turning point in his life. On January 25, 2009, he went out with a friend to find a spot to celebrate his forthcoming birthday. He was the sober driver that evening, and on his way home, a drunk motorist collided with him as he made a left turn.

“I awoke ignorant to reality. “I didn’t know myself, who I was, or where I was,” Pate admitted. In his early twenties, he had to start over. “I had to relearn my name, how to write, how to walk, how to talk,” he told me.

It was a moment in his life he would never forget.

St. Louis man survives near-fatal crash, writes book to educate and inspire others

“That process was the toughest chapter of my life,” he told me. And 16 years later, the anguish is still there when he looks back at where everything happened.

“Underlying sadness if I am being honest, but I am grateful,” the man replied. He expressed his gratitude for what was to come.

“My first book is coming out. ‘The Drunk Deliverance: Discovering Purpose and Traumatic Experiences’ because God used a drunk driver to give my life meaning,” he explained.

He hopes that his message of never driving inebriated and giving up will connect with others. “If your heart’s still beating you can still achieve your goals and your dreams,” Pate told reporters.

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Chris is not defined by what has occurred to him. “I’ve dreaded that day,” he remarked.

January 25th has a whole new significance.

“So, yes, the crash happened, but I’ve reclaimed the day. “I’m excited about it for the first time since the crash,” he said, smiling.

Reference: St. Louis man survives near-fatal crash, writes book to educate and inspire others


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