Surprising Fastest Growing Cities In Alabama For 2024

Is it a positive or negative thing to be in a rapidly growing area of Alabama?

It depends on the person you ask.

Some people prefer larger, more thrilling cities like Huntsville and Birmingham, while others prefer tranquility and calmness like in Headland and Midfield. Thank you very much.

Today, we will set aside opinions and focus on the factual information. We will examine the cities in Alabama that have experienced the most rapid growth since 2010. Using the Census’s American Community Survey, we found a list of cities in the Heart Of Dixie where people are eager to move to.

Which city in Alabama is projected to have the highest population growth rate in 2024? According to the latest ACS data, Pike Road is the city in Alabama that is growing the fastest. If you live in Pike Road, you probably won’t be surprised to see it on our list.

If you’re feeling surprised and curious about why these places are significant, continue reading. We will explain why these 10 places in Alabama are growing rapidly.

Fastest Growing Alabama Cities In 2024

Pike Road

Population: 9,651
Population 2010: 5,072
Percent Growth 90.3%
Absolute Growth: 4,579

Gulf Shores

Population: 15,178
Population 2010: 9,035
Percent Growth 68.0%
Absolute Growth: 6,143


Population: 16,644
Population 2010: 10,374
Percent Growth 60.4%
Absolute Growth: 6,270


Population: 21,113
Population 2010: 13,570
Percent Growth 55.6%
Absolute Growth: 7,543

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Orange Beach

Population: 8,048
Population 2010: 5,185
Percent Growth 55.2%
Absolute Growth: 2,863

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Population: 22,605
Population 2010: 14,927
Percent Growth 51.4%
Absolute Growth: 7,678


Population: 76,660
Population 2010: 51,057
Percent Growth 50.1%
Absolute Growth: 25,603


Population: 56,967
Population 2010: 40,293
Percent Growth 41.4%
Absolute Growth: 16,674

Method to Find The Fastest Growing Cities In Alabama

We used Saturday Night Science to determine which cities are experiencing the highest growth rates. We the growth rates of cities since the start of the decade, using data from the American Community Survey released by the census annually. In particular:

  • Current Population
  • Population in 2010
  • Growth rate from 2010 to Current

We have organized all 105 cities in Alabama with a population of over 5,000 people based on their growth rate, from the highest to the lowest. The city that experienced the highest increase in population during this period was named the fastest-growing city in the Heart Of Dixie.

The information has been changed for the year 2024. This report is our tenth annual ranking of the cities in Alabama that have experienced the highest rate of growth.

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