Tennessee Woman Dies From Injuries in Freak Parking Lot Accident Involving Mail Carrier Vehicle

DDN – A Tennessee woman died as a result of injuries sustained in a strange accident that wedged her between two cars.

The Murfreesboro Police Department has been discussing the tragic event on their Facebook page. On December 23, they issued a statement saying, “A freak accident in the parking lot of Longhorn Steak House at The Avenue Mall has left a woman critically injured.”

The woman was later identified as Cathy Pendergrass, 61.

Pendergrass was assisting a man who had recently had a stroke in his Honda CRV. The SUV had been converted into a mail carrier vehicle, which meant it had an accelerator and stop pedal put on the passenger side.

“The preliminary investigation shows a woman in the driver’s seat had initially reversed out of a parking space to allow a man in a wheelchair to enter the vehicle,” the police told reporters. Pendergrass stood outside the vehicle, guiding the man into his seat.

Police then revealed how the man mistakenly pressed the accelerator while getting inside his automobile. This led the vehicle to “reverse and spin out of control.” That’s when the driver hit Pendergrass and pinned her against another vehicle. The automobile continued to reverse, hitting two more parked cars and badly injuring Pendergrass.

Tennessee Woman Dies From Injuries in Freak Parking Lot Accident Involving Mail Carrier Vehicle

Just before 3 p.m., police arrived at the location in response to a 911 call, where they began administering medical care and addressing the situation.

Pendergrass was dropped off at “St. Thomas Rutherford Hospital and later taken to Vanderbilt Medical Center where she is in critical condition.”

Despite her severe injuries, the male and the other women were unharmed. Pendergrass died on December 28 at Vanderbilt Medical Center, one week after the event. It is unclear what caused her death; authorities only stated that she “died from her injuries.”

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According to police, the Fatal Accident Crash Team is still investigating the incident.

I hope Pendergrass’ family and all involved in the freak event can overcome the incredible pain that has been put upon them.

Reference: Woman Dies After Getting Pinned Between Two Cars In Tennessee Shopping Mall In Freak Accident

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