Texas is Crawling With Bed Bugs and One City Among the Most Infected in the U.s.

Maybe you mean San Antonio, Texas? Is it possible that you are referring to Houston, Texas? It is true that bed bugs are more commonly found in big cities. However, how prevalent are these pests in cities in Texas?

Not too long ago, two big cities in Texas were among the top 10 cities with the most bed bugs according to Orkin’s Bed Bug City List. Fortunately, they have both dropped in the rankings now.

Why are bed bugs so good at surviving? Like most insects, they have rapid population growth. Female bed bugs can lay one to five eggs per day and may lay a total of 200 to 500 eggs in their lifetime. What’s even worse for us is that they can survive for several months without needing to find food.

How to Avoid Bed Bugs?

When you’re traveling, remember the acronym S.L.E.E.P. to help you remember the action steps that can help you avoid bringing bed bugs home with you.

  • Survey surfaces for signs of an infestation.
  • Lift and look for all bed bug hiding spots.
  • Elevate your luggage on a luggage rack away from the bed and wall
  • Examine your luggage carefully
  • Place all your clothing from your luggage immediately in the dryer for at least 15 minutes at the highest setting upon returning home from travel.

Texas is Crawling With Bed Bugs, One City Among the Most Infected in the U.s.

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 1
  • City: Chicago
  • Difference from the prior year: no change

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 2
  • City: New York City
  • Difference from the prior year: +1

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 3
  • City: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Difference from the prior year: -1

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Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 4
  • City: Clevland – Akron
  • Difference from the prior year: +4

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 5
  • City: Los Angeles
  • Difference from the prior year: +7

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 6
  • City: Detroit
  • Difference from the prior year: -2

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 7
  • City: Indiana
  • Difference from the prior year: -1

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 8
  • City: Baltimore
  • Difference from the prior year: -3

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 9
  • City: Washington, D.C.
  • Difference from the prior year: -2

Bed Bug Cities

  • National Rank for Bed Bug Treatments: 10
  • City: Cleveland
  • Difference from the prior year: -1

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