The Most Dangerous Neighborhoods to Live in Cincinnati

After decades of economic problems, Cincinnati has been getting better. It used to be a center for industry. Many areas of Cincinnati are coming back to life, but there is still a lot of violent crime and gang action in many areas of the city. Check out our list of the worst places to live in Cincinnati if you want to buy or rent a home.

Most Dangerous Neighborhoods to Live in Cincinnati

North Fairmount

It is the most risky area of Cincinnati to live in because of how many violent crimes happen there. North Fairmount is in the western part of Cincinnati. It is in the Fairmount area as a whole. While North Fairmount only has 1,951 people, it has 76% more crime than the rest of the city. Crimes like murders, drive-by killings, carjackings, and robberies happen all the time in North Fairmount. Many of the crimes in the area are caused by the large number of gangs that live there.

South Cumminsville

South Cumminsville, which is on the west side of Cincinnati, is known for being one of the safest places in the city. 72% more crimes happen in South Cumminsville than in the rest of the city, where there are 3,137 people. A lot of people in South Cumminsville live below the poverty line because there aren’t many jobs available. The area has a problem with urban ruin, and many places haven’t been fixed up in decades.

Lower Price Hill

Lower Price Hill is a historic area close to the center of Cincinnati. Lower Price Hill has 63% more crime than the rest of the city, even though it only has 928 people. Break-ins, theft, car theft, robberies, and assaults happen a lot in the area. Low Price Hill is not all scary, though. Most of the time, the neighborhoods around Covedale and Overlook are safer than other parts of the neighborhood.

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West End

West End is a neighborhood near Fairview and Queensgate. West End has unemployment, violent crime, and poverty, just like many other places close to downtown. Of the 7,951 people that live in West End, 62% more are arrested for crimes than in the rest of the country. Along with drug trafficking and violent crime, gang activity can be found in the West End area. The average income in the area is 52% less than the national average, which means that a lot of people are poor.


Sedamsville is an area in southern Cincinnati that is famous for its old homes. There are about 1,256 people living in Sedamsville, and the crime rate is 57% higher than the national average. Burglary, car theft, and theft are all popular types of property crime in Sedamsville. A lot of people in Sedamsville live below the poverty line, and the schools there aren’t very good.


The Over-The-Rhine neighborhood in Cincinnati has a lot of old buildings, some of which are in great shape. A lot of people visit the area, but there is still a problem with property crime and some violent incidents. 78% more crimes happen in Over-The-Rhine than in the rest of the country. The city has 6,048 people. It’s possible for people who aren’t paying attention to be robbed, have their cars stolen, or even be pickpocketed. By taking steps, many crimes can be avoided in general.

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