This Florida City Becomes the Least Diverse for High Latino Population

Anthropologists and demographers have known for a long time that the U.S. is a “melting pot” of different racial and cultural groups. And because it is close to places like Cuba and Puerto Rico, Florida, especially South Florida, is known to get a lot of Latino immigrants.

The U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent report on Florida’s population and demographics says that almost 30% of Floridians are Latino. That’s about 6,104,896 people, based on the Bureau’s July 2023 estimate of Florida’s population. Hialeah is a mostly Latino neighborhood of Miami. If you’re from or live in South Florida, you may already know this.

Finance company for individuals A recent study by WalletHub looked at the places with the most and least different racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. They found that Hialeah was one of the least diverse towns in the country, or should we say one of the most Latino towns here?

Here is WalletHub’s list of the most and least ethnically diverse towns in the country, along with a breakdown of Hialeah’s population. Note that ethnicity and nationality are not the same thing.

The Least Diverse City in America

WalletHub compared U.S. Census Bureau statistics for each of the 500 largest cities in the U.S. to come up with its rankings. It looked at the language spoken, the place where people were born, and their racial or ethnic background.

WalletHub has made a list of the U.S. places with the fewest different racial and cultural groups:

  • Clarksburg, West Virginia
  • Parkersburg, West Virginia
  • Hialeah, Florida
  • Barre, Vermont
  • Butte-Silver Bow, Montana
  • Laredo, Texas
  • Laconia, New Hampshire
  • Rutland, Vermont
  • Watertown, South Dakota
  • Wheeling, West Virginia
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The Most Diverse City in America

WalletHub has made a list of the U.S. cities with the most different racial and cultural groups:

  • Gaithersburg, Maryland
  • Jersey City, New Jersey
  • Germantown, Maryland
  •  Silver Spring, Maryland
  • Kent, Washington
  • Spring Valley, Nevada
  • New York, New York
  • Rockville, Maryland
  • Federal Way, Washington
  • San Jose, California

Ethnic Makeup of Hialeah, Florida

A breakdown of Hialeah’s demographics by the U.S. Census Bureau has not yet added the city’s 2023 population projection. However, the Bureau’s 2022 population count shows that the city has 220,292 residents, with 95.4% of those being Latino.

Out of the 500 towns that WalletHub looked at, Hialeah has the fewest white people who don’t identify as Hispanic or Latino, the fewest people who speak English (about 7%), and the most people who speak Spanish (about 92%). Around 74% of Hialeah’s residents were born outside of the U.S., making it the place with the most people who were born outside of the U.S.

Nationality and ethnicity are not the same thing. Race and ethnicity are also not the same thing. People are put into groups based on their race based on things like the color of their skin. Nationality tells you what kind of person someone is based on the place they were born in or are a citizen of. Ethnicity divides people into groups based on their cultural identity, which includes the language, heritage, faith, and traditions of a certain area. Nationality can be shown by words like Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Costa Rican. Latino is a group of people.

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