This Texas city has the Highest Crime Rates in Entire State

Fort Worth, Texas has the highest crime rate among all cities in the state. In 2020, there were 1,038.2 violent crimes per 100,000 residents in Fort Worth, and 5,227.4 property crimes per 100,000 residents. This means that someone living in Fort Worth is more than twice as likely to experience crime compared to someone living in an average city in the United States.

Violent crime refers to any crime where force or the threat of force is used against someone else. Examples include murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Property crime refers to any crime where someone steals or damages someone else’s property. Examples of property crimes include burglary, theft, and stealing motor vehicles.

Reasons why Fort Worth has a high crime rate:

  • Poverty: In Fort Worth, 14.7% of the population lives in poverty, which is higher than the average poverty rate of 13.5% for the entire state. Being poor increases the chances of getting involved in crime because people who are having a hard time financially are more likely to resort to crime to provide for themselves or their families.
  • Youth population: Fort Worth has a lot of young people, with 27% of the population being under 18 years old. Young people are more likely to commit crimes than older adults because they tend to act without thinking, are influenced by their friends, and have fewer job prospects.
  • Location: Fort Worth is situated on a main interstate highway, which means it is a central point for drug trafficking and other criminal activity. The city also has several low-income neighborhoods that tend to have more crime compared to wealthier neighborhoods.
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How is the Fort Worth Police Department working to reduce the high crime rate?

The Fort Worth Police Department is taking action to reduce the city’s high crime rate. They are implementing several initiatives, including:

  • The Fort Worth Police Department has started several community policing programs. These programs are designed to create connections between the police and the communities they work in. These programs consist of neighborhood watch programs, community meetings, and foot patrols.
  • The Fort Worth Police Department has created targeted enforcement programs to address specific crime issues in certain areas of the city. For instance, the department has a special unit called the gang unit that deals with crimes related to gangs. They also have another unit called the narcotics unit that focuses on stopping drug trafficking.
  • The Fort Worth Police Department provides various crime prevention programs that aim to decrease the likelihood of crime in the city. These programs consist of activities for young people after school, training programs for adults to learn job skills, and assessments to improve home security.

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What can I do to stay safe from crime in Fort Worth?

Here are some things you can do to stay safe from crime in Fort Worth:

  • Make sure you pay attention to what’s happening around you and try not to walk alone when it’s dark outside.
  • Make sure to lock your doors and windows, even if you’re inside your home.
  • Get a security system installed.
  • Join in activities and projects in your community to help create a strong sense of belonging among neighbors.
  • If you see anything suspicious, make sure to inform the police.
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If you have been a victim of a crime in Fort Worth, there are several organizations that can assist you. These include the Fort Worth Police Department, the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office, and the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office. If you need help, you can reach out to a victim’s advocate.

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