2024 Study Reveals the Best School Districts in NJ

When buying a property in New Jersey, one of the main things that homeowners prioritize is finding a great school district for their children. Continue reading to find out about the top school districts in New Jersey in 2023.

Best School Districts in NJ

Millburn Township School District

The Millburn Township School District is considered the top school district in New Jersey. The school has a total of 4,796 students. The ratio of teachers to students is 1 teacher for every 13 students. This ratio means that students have a good amount of time with their teachers for learning, as well as plenty of opportunities to access resources for preparing for college, joining clubs, and participating in extracurricular activities. The school district has a really high graduation rate of 98%. On average, students in the district score 1400 on the SAT and 31 on the ACT.

Northern Valley Regional School District

The Northern Valley Regional School District is considered one of the top public school districts in New Jersey. The school has a total of 2,076 students from Pre-K to grade 12. The ratio of teachers to students is 1:10. The graduation rate at Northern Valley Regional School District is very high, at 98%. Many of their students go on to attend prestigious colleges like Boston University (BU), New York University (NYU), Penn State, Northeastern University, and Cornell University.

Princeton Public School District

One more of the top public school districts in New Jersey is the Princeton Public School District. The school has a total of 3,759 students from Pre-K to grade 12. The ratio of teachers to students is 1 teacher for every 11 students. The Princeton Public School District has an average high school graduation rate of 94%. Many students from this district go on to attend prestigious Ivy League colleges like Princeton University (BU), Cornell University, Brown University, and Columbia University.

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West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District

The West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District is considered one of the top public school districts in New Jersey. The school has a total of 9,109 students and there is one teacher for every 13 students. The West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District has a graduation rate of 98%. Many students from this district go on to attend prestigious colleges like Princeton University, Cornell University, New York University (NYU), Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Pennsylvania.

Ridgewood Public School District

The Ridgewood Public School District is considered one of the top-rated public school districts in New Jersey. The school has a total of 5,604 students and there is one teacher for every 15 students. The graduation rate of Ridgewood Public School District is 99%. Several students go to prestigious colleges like Boston University (BU), New York University (NYU), Northeastern University, and Cornell University. The motto of Ridgewood High School is “A Tradition of Excellence.”

Tenafly Public School District

The Tenafly Public School District is one of the top-rated public school districts in New Jersey. The school has a total of 3,360 students and for every 12 students, there is 1 teacher. The graduation rate at Tenafly Public School District is 97%. Many students from this district go on to attend prestigious colleges like Boston University (BU), New York University (NYU), Penn State, Northeastern University, Columbia University, and Cornell University.

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