6 Exotic Animals You Can Own In New York 2024

If you are interested in owning a less common animal, it is important to know the laws that determine which animals you can legally keep as pets. In New York, the rules for owning exotic animals are different in the state compared to the city limits of New York City. The state has strict rules against owning the “Big Five” animals to protect both owners and the animals themselves. Some regulations have exceptions that may be surprising or unique, making them not always straightforward.

Exotic Animals Permissible in NY State

Hedgehogs: Spiky Insect Lovers

  • Permit Required: Yes
  • Weight: 8-21 ounces
  • Lifespan: 3-4 years
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet: Insectivore
  • Trainable: No

The African pygmy hedgehog is the most popular type of exotic hedgehog that people can legally keep as a pet, according to Birdsexoticsvet. They are more closely related to shrews and moles than to rodents.

Hedgehogs are known for being gentle and rarely bite. Instead, when threatened, they usually curl up into a ball and raise their spines as a defense mechanism. Creating a strong connection built on trust and comfort enables owners to safely handle and pet their pets.

Coatis: Curious Climbers

  • Permit Required: Yes
  • Weight: 7-14 pounds
  • Lifespan: 14 years
  • Care Level: Medium-Difficult
  • Diet: Omnivores
  • Trainable: Yes

Coatis are cute animals that look like raccoons. They live in the canyons and hills of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. These unusual animals are some of the few that can be taught to use a litter box and go for walks on a leash, as long as they are introduced and trained correctly. However, be careful when interacting with them because their long claws can accidentally hurt their owners.

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Axolotls: Underwater Marvels

  • Permit Required: Yes
  • Weight: 2-8 ounces
  • Lifespan: 10-15 years
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet: Worms
  • Trainable: No

Axolotls are very interesting pets, but they are rare to own because they are critically endangered. The aquatic salamanders are only found in the calm waters of Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in Mexico. They have very sensitive skin and can easily get sick from pollution. They are also more likely to get sick if the temperature changes a lot or if they eat the wrong food.

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Ferrets: Mischievous Bundle of Joy

  • Permit Required: Yes
  • Weight: 1.1-4.4 pounds
  • Lifespan: 5-10 years
  • Care Level: Easy to Medium
  • Diet: Hypercarnivore
  • Trainable: Yes

Ferrets are cute animals that belong to the weasel family. They need to eat only meat to stay healthy because they are carnivores. Ferrets in the wild eat all parts of their prey to survive, as mentioned by Oxbow Animal Health. Pet owners often suggest giving a mixture of different animal organs, known as “franken meat,” to imitate a natural diet.

Kinkajous: Tropical Rainforest Dwellers

  • Permit Required: Yes
  • Weight: 10 pounds
  • Lifespan: 20-25 years
  • Care Level: Difficult
  • Diet: Omnivores
  • Trainable: Possible

Kinkajous are special animals that look like a mix of a raccoon and a monkey. They are known for being difficult to handle and can become anxious and aggressive at certain times of the year. Kinkajous, despite being able to be domesticated, often bite their owners or caregivers.

Hyenas: Laughing Carnivores

  • Permit Required: Yes
  • Weight: 90-140 pounds
  • Lifespan: 20-40 years
  • Care Level: Difficult
  • Diet: Anything
  • Trainable: No
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Did you know that you can legally have a hyena as a pet in New York State? However, in New York City, there are regulations that indirectly forbid owning them. The reason why it is legal to own hyenas is because they are not considered big cats or wild dogs. Instead, they belong to a group called Feliformia, which is not covered by certain state laws that regulate the ownership of wild or exotic animals.

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