Delaware House Listings Asked for More Money in April

The number of homes available for sale in Delaware is increasing. analysed data and found that in New Castle County, the median home price in April was $449,250. This is a 7% increase from the previous month’s median price of $419,863. The median price of a home in Kent County was $426,400 in April, which is a 1.2% increase from the previous month’s price of $421,450. In Sussex County, the median home price was $564,088 in April, which is a 2.6% increase from the previous month’s price of $550,000.

In April 2023, the median home list price went up by 3.8% to $431,445 in New Castle County, increased by 4.6% to $409,500 in Kent County, and decreased by 3.6% to $582,990 in Sussex County.

The information in this article only applies to houses that are currently listed for sale, not houses that have already been sold. You can find information about the housing market in your local area, as well as other helpful community data, at

The median home prices reported by may not include a large number, or possibly the majority, of the homes in a particular market. The price and volume data only includes single-family homes, condominiums, or townhomes. They include homes that already exist, but do not include most newly built homes or sales that are still in progress or dependent on certain conditions.

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Philadelphia Region Home Prices

In the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington metro area, the median home prices increased to $369,950, which is a 0.1% increase compared to the previous month. The typical home had an area of 1,604 square feet and was listed at a price of $225 per square foot.

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The median home prices in Delaware were $499,945, which slightly increased compared to March. The typical home for sale in Delaware had an area of 2,157 square feet and was priced at $234 per square foot.

In the United States, the median home price was $429,950, which was slightly higher than the previous month. The typical American home for sale had a size of 1,840 square feet and was priced at $230 per square foot.

The median home list price in this report is the middle value among all the houses or units listed during a specific time period. According to experts, the median offers a better understanding of market conditions compared to the average list price. To calculate the median, you would arrange all the listing prices in order and find the middle value. This is more accurate than finding the average by adding up all the listing prices and dividing by the number of homes sold. One extremely low or high price can affect the average.

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