Louisiana National Guard Soldiers Deployed to Texas Border Crisis Mission until November

Governor Jeff Landry announced on July 1 that Operation Lone Star would be extended, with Louisiana National Guard engineers remaining in Texas until mid-November. This decision comes in response to Texas’ request for additional support to address the ongoing U.S.-Mexico border crisis.

Operation Lone Star was initiated earlier this year when fifty Louisiana National Guard soldiers were deployed to Texas in March. Governor Landry authorized this deployment, which was backed by a $3 million allocation to cover the soldiers’ pay, allowances, transportation, lodging, and meals. The mission aimed to bolster Texas’ efforts in managing the challenges and security concerns at the southern border.

According to the governor’s office, the Louisiana National Guard has expended $2.2 million of the initial $3 million allocation during the first phase of the mission. With $800,000 remaining, Louisiana leaders have developed a plan to send engineer soldiers to continue their support for Operation Lone Star. These engineers will be tasked with various infrastructure and logistical projects to aid in border security efforts, fulfilling Texas’s request while making efficient use of the remaining funds.

In a letter to Speaker Phillip DeVillier and Senate President Cameron Henry, Governor Landry explained the strategic deployment of engineer soldiers. “Working with Texas, the Louisiana National Guard has developed a plan of sending engineers to Operation Lone Star, which would fulfill the request from the State of Texas with the remaining $800,000 from the initial allocation,” Landry stated.

This collaboration underscores the cooperative efforts between Louisiana and Texas to enhance border security and manage the complexities of the border situation. The extended deployment of Louisiana National Guard engineers highlights the ongoing commitment of both states to address the border crisis.

The engineers will focus on constructing and improving border infrastructure, providing logistical support, and assisting with other critical tasks to mitigate the impacts of illegal crossings and enhance the overall security of the region.

Governor Landry emphasized the importance of this mission, noting that the presence of Louisiana National Guard engineers will significantly contribute to the efforts in Texas. By leveraging their expertise and resources, these engineers will play a crucial role in strengthening border security and supporting Texas in its ongoing challenges.

The extension of Operation Lone Star reflects a broader strategy to ensure that the southern border remains secure and that states can effectively respond to the dynamic and evolving situation.

The collaboration between Louisiana and Texas serves as a model of interstate cooperation in addressing national security concerns and protecting communities impacted by the border crisis. As the mission continues through November, the presence of Louisiana National Guard engineers will be instrumental in achieving these goals and supporting the broader efforts to maintain stability and safety at the U.S.-Mexico border.

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