It is interesting to note that there are various categories of tenants. When searching for your next apartment, you have the option to become a private tenant or a council tenant. There are advantages and disadvantages associated with both options, but it is important to understand the distinction between the two.

Council Tenant

Council tenants, who also go by the name “social tenants,” rent from the city or a housing group. Your landlord is the city or housing group. The main goal of public housing is to be less expensive than private living. The type of tenancy agreement is also a little different for this type of renting because it’s between the renter and the government.

The agreement spells out what the tenant’s formal duties are and what the council’s duties are. Because of this, the property rights you have are also different. For example, you can stay in your home as long as you want as long as you follow the rules of your lease.

Council Tenancy Pros

If you are a council renter, the best thing about social renting is that the rent will be a lot less. As a long-term renter, you will also feel safer because you can stay at the property for as long as you want and can only be kicked out if you don’t pay your rent on time or at all, sublet the property, or do too much damage to it. If you follow the rules of your lease, you won’t have to worry about being kicked out, which will make you feel safer.

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“Home swaps” are sometimes available between the housing council that is in charge of the building and other housing bodies. That is, tenants can move to a different unit in the building that partners with the first building and still keep all the rights and perks they had at the first building. This could also help if the apartment you wanted was already taken or if you’ve outgrown your present home. Later, you’ll be able to switch with someone else.

Private Tenant

Traditional renters are part of private tenancy. They sign a lease to live on the land and pay rent based on market trends.

Pros of Private Tenant

Because landlords handle the application themselves, private renters are more likely to get their apartments faster. It might be best to rent from a private owner if you need to move into a new apartment right away and don’t have much time. Private landlords don’t usually check your credit, so you have a better chance of getting the place they want, even if your credit score isn’t great.

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Private or Council: Which is Better?

This question doesn’t have a best answer; the best answer is up to you. Ask yourself what your main concerns are: are they mainly about cost or about freedom? Think about the pros and cons and then make a choice based on your own wants. Not only are there private and social renters, but there are also other types of tenants.

Fixed Term Tenancy

This kind of rent is for a set amount of time and ends on its own when that time is up. The great thing about this kind of rent is that it can’t be stopped. Unless one party tells the other that they want to end the lease, before the end of the term. As a general rule, 90 days’ warning is given to each party if they want to leave early.

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Periodic Tenancy

This type of rental doesn’t have a set end date; notice is all that’s needed to make it last longer. This rental is best for people who need a lot of freedom.

Service Tenancy

Service tenancy is when the tenant works for the owner and the landlord hires the tenant. If you have a service tenancy, you don’t need to write a different lease. The rent is usually taken out of the paycheck.

Boarding House Tenancy

People who live in a boarding house with this type of lease can use the common areas. The lease usually lasts at least 28 days. For boarding house rentals, a different agreement is made that spells out the services the landlord will provide. The landlord should also give the renter a copy of the house rules.

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