Survey Reveals the Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In Knoxville For 2024

The neighborhoods of Old North Knoxville and Old City are considered to be the most dangerous and worst in Knoxville for 2024, according to a report by Saturday Night Science.

Knoxville’s neighborhoods have many stereotypes associated with them. There are different types of neighborhoods, such as hipster areas, preppy places, neighborhoods popular among college students, and areas that are considered less affluent.

There is a neighborhood in Knoxville for everyone. Although Knoxville is often considered one of the best places to live in Tennessee due to its abundance of entertainment and job opportunities, it does have its challenges. Certain neighborhoods are less safe than others.

So, the question is, which neighborhoods in Knoxville are the most dangerous and which ones are the safest?

Today, we will use Saturday Night Science to identify which neighborhoods in Knoxville need some attention and care. These neighborhoods are like the sore thumbs of the Knoxville area. Realistically, not all neighborhoods can be amazing, but Five Points is significantly better than the others.

We studied 34 neighborhoods in Knoxville to determine which ones are the most dangerous to live in. These places are not as good as Knoxville is known for.

Which neighborhood in Knoxville is considered the worst to live in for 2024? Based on the latest census data, it appears that Old North Knoxville is considered the least desirable neighborhood in Knoxville.

Continue reading to find out how we identified the areas near Knoxville that could use some improvement. And always remember, don’t hold the messenger responsible.

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Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In Knoxville For 2024

Old North Knoxville

Population: 868

Median Home Value: $77,045 (7th worst)

Median Income: $21,228 (3rd worst)

Old City

Population: 2,887

Median Home Value: $68,199 (4th worst)

Median Income: $25,421 (8th worst)

Old Sevier

Population: 1,075

Median Home Value: $71,158 (6th worst)

Median Income: $26,871 (12th worst)


Population: 818

Median Home Value: $64,378 (3rd worst)

Median Income: $23,489 (5th worst)

Holston Hills

Population: 4,628

Median Home Value: $90,304 (10th worst)

Median Income: $39,073 (2worst)


Population: 3,536

Median Home Value: $51,011 (worst)

Median Income: $18,258 (worst)

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Method to determine the most dangerous Knoxville neighborhoods

In order to determine the quality of a place to live, we simply need to understand people’s preferences and then identify the places that have the fewest of those things. We used the following criteria in Saturday Night Science to determine the worst neighborhoods in Knoxville:

  • High crime (Estimated)
  • High unemployment (Less jobs)
  • Low median income (Less pay)
  • Low population density (No things to do)
  • Low home values (No one’s willing to pay to live here)

Next, we evaluated each neighborhood in Knoxville, Tennessee based on these criteria and ranked them from worst to best. Afterwards, we calculated the average ranking for each criterion and called it the “Worst Score.” The neighborhood that has the lowest “Worst Score” is considered the most dangerous neighborhood in Knoxville.

This article is an opinion piece that is based on facts and is intended to be entertaining while providing information. This article has been updated for the year 2024. This report ranks the worst neighborhoods to live in Knoxville based on our analysis of the data.

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