Teaching of Communism Mandatory for Florida Schools According to Bill 1264

Governor Ron DeSantis announced that children as young as kindergarteners will learn about the history of communism. However, some democratic leaders who are against the bill argue that it resembles communist beliefs instead of opposing them.

DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1264 during a press conference on Wednesday. This bill now requires students from kindergarten through 12th grade to learn about communism and its dangers as part of their curriculum.

The bill states that the instruction should be suitable for the age and development level of the students. It should cover the history of communism in the United States and domestic communist movements, including their histories and tactics. This refers to the growing danger of communism in the United States and its allies during the 20th century. State Representative Anna Eskamani criticized the bill, saying it is just trying to spread fear and is reminiscent of McCarthyism.

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“I understand and relate to those who have gone through trauma and family separation under communist regimes. However, I find it insincere for Republican colleagues, who often claim to be against indoctrination in schools, to support a bill that would force a particular political viewpoint onto our students,” said Eskamani in a statement to WESH 2 news. “Instead, we should teach our students about all economic and political systems and encourage them to think critically so they can develop their own opinions.”

The bill was signed on a significant day for Cuban immigrants. It was the anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion, when almost 1,500 Cubans tried to overthrow Fidel Castro’s communist Cuba.

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“We have stories from not only the brigade members, but also other community members, as well as our grandparents and parents who passed down these stories. They help us understand the dangers and hardships of communism,” said Manny Diaz, Florida education commissioner. The bill also proposed the establishment of a museum in Florida that would focus on the history of communism.

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