These Connecticut Cities Has the Most Ashley Madison Accounts

The cities in Connecticut with the highest number of Ashley Madison accounts in 2024, according to Saturday Night Science, are North Granby and Tariffville.

Are you aware of someone who might be cheating in Connecticut? If you live in one of the cities listed below, it is likely that you do. Chances are, you know someone who made an account on Ashley Madison or had someone else create an account for them.

More than 32 million accounts were made on Ashley Madison, and it is widely believed that nearly all of them were created by men. In Connecticut, more than 100,530 accounts were created in total. That’s a large number, especially when you consider that the total population of the state is approximately 1,804,113.

We analyzed 85 cities and used Saturday Night Science to determine which cities in the Constitution State have the highest number of Ashley Madison accounts per person.

Connecticut Cities With The Most Ashley Madison Accounts

  • North Granby
  • Tariffville
  • Groton
  • Hartford
  • Westport
  • Bristol
  • Greenwich
  • Stamford
  • New Haven
  • Danbury

Many of these are smaller cities in Connecticut where a large number of residents have an account on Ashley Madison. Cities that have Air Force, Naval, and other military bases usually had a large number of Ashley Madison accounts for every person living there.

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Method to Determine the Potential Cheaters in Constitution State

Do you want to find out who is trying to cheat? Go straight to the people who are actively trying to cheat using the Ashley Madison data breach.

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We used two sources, Saturday Night Science and the Ashley Madison database, to determine the number of accounts created in each zip code. We use the term “accounts” instead of “people” because it is possible to create fake accounts linked to a city or to have multiple accounts. However, the number of accounts can be used as a reliable estimate for the number of people attempting to cheat.

Next, we found the city in Connecticut that corresponds to each zip code. If a zip code belongs to multiple cities, the accounts registered with that zip code were assigned to each city. Finally, we estimated the population of the zip codes to determine the number of cheaters per person.

We ranked each place in a city from highest to lowest based on the number of cheaters per capita. The location in Connecticut with the highest number of cheaters per person has been given the nickname “cheating central of Connecticut.”


Connecticut has the highest number of Ashley Madison accounts per person, with North Granby and Tariffville being the most affected. Over 32 million accounts were created on the platform, with nearly all created by men. The cities with the highest number of accounts are smaller ones with a large number of residents, especially those with military bases.

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