2024 Study Finds the Gayest Cities In The US

The cities with the highest LGBTQ+ populations in the United States for 2024, according to Saturday Night Science, are San Francisco and Atlanta. Summary of research on the most LGBTQ+ friendly cities in the US. We used Saturday Night Science to study the cities in the United States that have the highest percentage of households with same-sex couples in 2024. The information is sourced from the American Community Survey 2013-2018 vintage. This survey provides details on gender and household status. Unfortunately, the Census no longer provides information at the city level. Therefore, this report contains the most up-to-date data available.

  • The city in the US with the highest number of households where same-sex couples live together is San Francisco, CA. Approximately 2.3% of households in San Francisco consist of gay individuals.
  • The city in the United States with the highest number of households where same-sex couples live is New York, NY. It has a total of 16,654 households with gay couples.
  • Vermont is considered the most LGBTQ+ friendly state in the United States.

Gayest Cities In The US For 2024

Yes, we could have informed you that San Francisco has a large LGBTQ+ community. But what is even more fascinating to us is that only about 2% of households are actually gay. According to the official census numbers, at least. We have been to San Francisco before, so we would guess that the number might be lower than what is being reported. But we only tell them what we observe.

San Francisco

Households: 359,673.0
Gay Households: 5,299
% Gay Households: 2.33%

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Households: 199,478.0
Gay Households: 2,377
% Gay Households: 1.69%

St. Petersburg

Households: 107,173.0
Gay Households: 1,379
% Gay Households: 1.3%


Households: 111,674.0
Gay Households: 961
% Gay Households: 1.3%


Households: 323,446.0
Gay Households: 3,169
% Gay Households: 1.23%


Households: 161,483.0
Gay Households: 1,909
% Gay Households: 1.2%


Households: 173,916.0
Gay Households: 1,715
% Gay Households: 1.1%

Also Read: 2024 Study Disclose the Gayest States In The US

Method to determine the gayest cities in America for 2024

To determine the most LGBTQ+ friendly cities in America, we analyzed data from Saturday Night Science and the 2013-2018 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census. We examined:

What percentage of households consist of unmarried, same-sex partners? We focused our analysis on non-CDPs (Census Designated Places) that have more than 100,000 households.

We assigned a ranking of 1 to 72 to each city based on the percentage of households with unmarried, same-sex partners. The city with the highest percentage of these households is considered the most gay. Ultimately, San Francisco had the highest percentage of gay households, at around 2%. If you want to see the list of all the places in the state ranked from gayest to straighest, just skip to the end.


San Francisco and Atlanta have the highest LGBTQ+ populations in the US for 2024, according to Saturday Night Science. The city has approximately 2.3% of households with gay individuals, while New York has 16,654 households with gay couples. Vermont is considered the most LGBTQ+ friendly state. San Francisco has the highest percentage of gay households at around 2%. The study analyzed data from the American Community Survey 2013-2018.

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