Illegal Fireworks Becomes the Latest WOE For the New York City

Fireworks lighting up the night sky have become a common sight on the streets of New York City. While fireworks are not uncommon in the city’s history, the recent increase in frequency has left many people feeling confused. In New York City, there has been a lot of noise recently. When it comes to the numbers, complaints about fireworks have already increased in the first half of the year.

It’s a significant number considering the recent past. However, it has been greatly bothering the residents. In addition to New York, it has also been observed in other major cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, and Minneapolis, with complaints being filed. In light of recent events, Mayor Bill De Blasio has pledged to quickly address the situation and has vowed to pursue suppliers promptly.

How Residents are Coping with the New ‘Mysterious’ Normal?

The locals refer to the fireworks as ‘mysterious,’ although they are not considered mysterious by the locals. It’s a frequent tradition at night, and individuals easily recognize the people involved. Based on their discussion, it appears that individuals appreciate the fireworks to a certain degree but are annoyed by those that continue throughout the night and disrupt their rest.

They have expressed concerns about disruptions to their sleep. Longing for a restful night’s sleep after a tiring day. However, following recent careful consideration, it has been a significant challenge for the people. Explosions typically occur during the night. The list includes items such as rockets’ red glare and bombs bursting in the air. There has been an increase in complaints about fireworks nationwide in the past couple of months. Even the pets have been enduring their fair share of the chaos.

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Addressing the Increase in Illegal Fireworks: Authorities’ Response

New York City is often associated with the idea that it never sleeps, and it seems that its residents have fully embraced this notion. Investigations are ongoing to determine who is responsible for the large influx of illegal fireworks into the city. As per another source, over 1500 reports were received through the official helpline in June. Typically, such complaints were not very frequent.

While illegal fireworks were previously common in the city’s neighborhoods, there has been a recent increase in the number of incidents. The fireworks can be seen not only in New York but also to the north in Westchester County, and are being heard more frequently than usual in various locations across the Northeast. The mayor restated his stance firmly: “Illegal fireworks pose a threat and disrupt public peace,” and promised to take strict action against them.

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Anti Racism Movement

2020 continues to unveil its relentless series of events. This is particularly relevant for New Yorkers. They were still working on developing more effective strategies to control the virus when protests erupted in response to George Floyd’s death. Protestors turned violent and began looting multiple stores. On top of that, the illegal fireworks started to become a regular occurrence at night.

Adding to the situation, fireworks were associated with the anti-racism movement. June 10th is a significant national holiday that commemorates the abolition of slavery in the United States. June tenth has gained significant attention in the national spotlight due to the anti-racism movement. Typically, fireworks are a popular choice for celebrating the occasion, and this year, there has been a significant increase in their use.

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What are the regulations regarding fireworks?

Fireworks sales and possession are subject to different laws depending on the jurisdiction. Only sparklers are permitted in New York state, but they are prohibited in New York City. Furthermore, individuals can purchase professional-grade fireworks with a license.

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In conclusion, the public has had mixed feelings about the ongoing fireworks. They are not overly concerned about them unless they become heavy. The overnight operations have been a source of concern for them. However, the authorities are not taking the situation lightly and are making every effort to stop the illegal use of fireworks. We should remain patient and trust our authorities during this time. Things will improve shortly.

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