Beware of This Venomous Snake Slithering Through Pennsylvania

Spring has arrived, which means people will be spending more time outdoors and exploring. Pennsylvania has many great places for hiking, picnics, camping, and more. However, there are a few things you should be cautious about when enjoying the outdoors.

During spring, there are more people, bugs, and animals outside. If you are considering going camping, having picnics, or taking up hiking as a hobby this summer, it’s important to know about the possible dangers in the Pennsylvania area. Snakes are often found in wooded areas throughout Pennsylvania, even if you can’t see them.

Pennsylvania’s Most Dangerous Snakes

The Northern Copperhead snake is one of the most dangerous snakes you can encounter in Pennsylvania. The snake is venomous and can be found in several towns in Pennsylvania. It is important to stay away from it.

The Northern Copperhead is a venomous snake, but their venom is not very strong and it is rare for their bite to be fatal. If you get bitten by one, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. According to Urban Jungle Wild Life Removal, Northern Copperheads are still considered dangerous, even though they are not considered deadly. During spring and summer in Pennsylvania, it’s important to be cautious in open fields and wooded areas, as this is where snakes are typically found.

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Some venomous snakes found in Pennsylvania


The Copperhead is a very common poisonous snake that can be found in Pennsylvania. The snake has a color that is a mix of tan and brown. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission says that this snake can be found in two-thirds of the state.

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The Copperhead snake can be found in areas with trees and rocks near streams. The snake will only attack if it is provoked. Its bite and injection of venom can cause pain. Seeking medical attention promptly usually does not put your life at risk.

Timber Rattlesnake

The Fish and Boat Commission says that the Timber Rattlesnake is a creature that many people don’t understand well. The rattlesnake can be either black or yellow in color. Both snakes have dark bands on their backs, a head without markings, and a dark tail. The timber rattlesnake, unlike other rattlesnakes, does not always make a rattling sound with its tail before attacking, especially when it is attacking out of fear.

Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake

Penn State says that this snake is considered a rattlesnake that is threatened at the federal level. The snakes are black and brown. They can grow up to three feet long. These snakes also have a rattle, but it is not easily heard because the rattles are small and make a quiet sound.

Penn State explains that this snake kills its prey by causing internal bleeding with its venom. These snakes have bitten humans a few times in recorded history. However, because they have venom, it is important to get medical treatment right away if you are bitten.

These snakes are very good at hiding and don’t like to be seen by people. Unfortunately, when people do come across them, they often kill them because they are afraid. If you leave them alone, they will leave you alone!

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