California's Most Dangerous Cities in 2024 Where Safety is a Concern

California, a state well-known for its varied landscapes, lively culture, and strong economy, still has problems with safety and crime. Comprehending which Californian cities have greater crime rates is essential for locals, tourists, and legislators.

With an emphasis on variables that contribute to greater crime rates, trends in criminal activity, and potential remedies, this article seeks to shed light on California’s most hazardous cities for 2024.

People may make educated judgments regarding their safety and well-being in the Golden State by looking over these data-driven insights.

San Bernardino

In 2024, San Bernardino will also be dealing with serious crime problems in California. The high crime rates in the city have been attributed to both resource constraints and economic hardships.

Rate per 1,000 Residents
Violent Crime Rate 11
Property Crime Rate 46
Total Population 222,101

Southern California’s San Bernardino has struggled for some time with high crime rates. The violent crime rate in the city is 11.05 per 1,000 people, with high rates of murder, assault, and robbery. At 45.99 per 1,000 people, property crimes—which include theft, car theft, and burglary—are also startlingly high.


In 2024, Oakland is still ranked among the riskiest cities in California. The city nevertheless has high rates of property and violent crime, despite multiple attempts to reduce crime.

Violent Crime Rate 13
Property Crime Rate 52
Total Population 440,646

With high rates of homicide, robbery, and assault, the city has a violent crime rate of 12.99 per 1,000 population. Property crimes, which include auto theft, larceny, and burglaries, are also a serious concern. The rate of property crimes per 1,000 residents is 52.49.

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Due to its high rates of violent and property crimes, Stockton is projected to be among the most dangerous cities in California in 2024.

Rate per 1,000 Residents
Violent Crime Rate 13
Property Crime Rate 29
Total Population 320,804

In the Central Valley of California, the city of Stockton still has serious problems with crime. With high rates of robbery, assault, and homicide, the city has a violent crime rate of 12.60 per 1,000 population. Property crime, which includes thefts, car thefts, and break-ins, is still a serious problem, with a rate of 29.00 per 1,000 inhabitants.

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As of 2024, Emeryville remains the most hazardous city in California. The city, which has a population of little over 10,000, has serious problems with crime, particularly property crimes.

Rate per 1,000 Residents
Violent Crime Rate 11
Property Crime Rate 166
Total Population 10,275

Emeryville is a small city, but because of its commercial character and dense population, it has a high crime rate. Numerous shopping and commercial districts can be found in the city, which adds to the high rate of property crimes including theft and burglary.

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Compton, which is well-known for having high rates of violent crime, is still among the most hazardous areas of the state. Compton, a neighborhood in southern Los Angeles County, has a lengthy history of criminal activity.

Rate per 1,000 Residents
Violent Crime Rate 11
Property Crime Rate 28
Total Population 97,740
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Compton has a violent crime rate of 11.05 per 1,000 population, including high rates of robberies, severe assaults, and homicides. At 28.00 per 1,000 population, property crimes such as theft, burglary, and car theft also make up a sizable portion of the city’s overall crime rate.

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To Conclude

California is known for being a great state to live in, yet there are issues with crime and safety in several of the state’s cities. According to research evaluating violent and property crime rates, San Bernardino, Oakland, Stockton, Emeryville, and Compton have emerged as the most dangerous cities in 2024.

These cities struggle with a number of difficulties that lead to greater crime rates, such as underlying societal concerns, resource constraints, and economic inequities.


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