Data Reveals the Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In Rochester, NY

It is very important to prioritize safety when considering moving to a new area. Some parts of Rochester have higher crime rates than others, so it’s best to avoid those areas. Doing everyday activities such as walking alone at night or leaving vehicles unattended can unintentionally attract criminals, especially in dangerous neighborhoods. Rochester is a good example of a city dealing with these concerns because it is big and has a lot of people living close together. Based on the latest crime data, we have created a list of the most unsafe neighborhoods in Rochester for the year 2024.

These rankings are determined by comparing the number of violent crimes per 100,000 residents in each neighborhood to the city’s overall average for violent crimes. We determine the most dangerous neighborhoods in Rochester by using crime data, such as murder, rape, robbery, and assault. This information is given to us by the local law enforcement agency. In cases where official statistics are not available, we use estimated demographic data.

It is very important to understand the impact on people’s lives when looking at statistics. Violent crime has a deep impact on individuals and families. The rankings of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Rochester help us identify areas that need immediate attention. They also encourage everyone in Rochester to work together for the safety and well-being of all residents. Rochester can work together to create safe, strong, and prosperous neighborhoods.

To address urban safety, we need to take a comprehensive approach. This means looking beyond just analyzing statistics and focusing on addressing socio-economic inequalities and improving partnerships between the community and the police. Rochester can create a safer and more promising future for all its residents by promoting inclusivity and empowerment.

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Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In Rochester, NY

Mayor’s Heights:

  • Population: 2,406
  • Violent Crimes: 2,601 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 256% higher than Rochester


  • Population: 514
  • Violent Crimes: 2,351 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 221% higher than Rochester


  • Population: 7,542
  • Violent Crimes: 2,277 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 211% higher than Rochester

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Charles House:

  • Population: 2,575
  • Violent Crimes: 2,212 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 202% higher than Rochester

North Marketview Heights:

  • Population: 4,924
  • Violent Crimes: 1,998 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 173% higher than Rochester

South Marketview Heights:

  • Population: 3,378
  • Violent Crimes: 1,840 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 152% higher than Rochester

Central Business District:

  • Population: 5,015
  • Violent Crimes: 1,743 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 138% higher than Rochester


  • Population: 4,523
  • Violent Crimes: 1,641 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 124% higher than Rochester

Upper Falls:

  • Population: 6,300
  • Violent Crimes: 1,414 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 93% higher than Rochester


  • Population: 3,516
  • Violent Crimes: 1,359 crimes per 100k people
  • Crime Rate: 86% higher than Rochester

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