Exploring the Worst Neighborhoods in St Louis for 2024

Choosing the right neighborhood is really important when deciding where to live. It can greatly affect your overall experience. St. Louis has many different communities, each with its own unique charm and appeal. But not all neighborhoods are perfect. In this article, we will discuss the less safe and lower quality of life neighborhoods in St. Louis.

St Louis Worst Neighborhoods


Population: 2,378
Violent Crime: 5,081 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 1,484)
Property Crime: 7,540 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 5,463)

Peabody-Darst-Webbe is a neighborhood in St. Louis that has many difficulties, especially when it comes to crime rates. Based on the data analyzed, this neighborhood has a significantly higher total crime rate of 438% compared to the national average. In addition, it has 242% more crime than the entire city of St. Louis.

Hyde Park

Population: 2,668
Violent Crime: 3,642 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 1,484)
Property Crime: 8,738 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 5,463)

Hyde Park is a neighborhood in St. Louis that has high crime rates and is considered one of the worst areas in terms of safety. According to the data analysis, Hyde Park has 428% more total crime than the national average. Furthermore, it has 145% higher crime rates compared to the entire city of St. Louis.


Population: 5,557
Violent Crime: 3,586 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 1,484)
Property Crime: 6,753 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 5,463)

Jeffvanderlou is a neighborhood in St. Louis that has a lot of crime-related problems. According to St. Louis Crime Tracker, there have been 38.33 crimes for every 1,000 residents in the past six months. This rate is higher than the rate of 37 out of 77 neighborhoods in St. Louis.

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Old North Saint Louis

Population: 1,916
Violent Crime: 4,169 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 1,484)
Property Crime: 9,275 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 5,463)

The neighborhood of Old North Saint Louis has a small population, but it deals with significant crime challenges. In 2022, there was one murder and a total of 514 violent and property crimes reported by Passsecurity in the neighborhood.

The population of this area is 1,916 people. The total crime rate is 34.54 crimes per 1,000 residents, and the murder rate is 67.20 murders per 1,000 residents.

Hamilton Heights

Population: 3,105
Violent Crime: 3,986 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 1,484)
Property Crime: 6,005 per/100k people (St. Louis Average: 5,463)

Hamilton Heights is a neighborhood in the western part of the City of St. Louis. It is located between the Wells/Goodfellow and West End neighborhoods. The neighborhood has a rectangular shape. The neighborhood has a special location, but it also has problems related to unemployment and socio-economic issues.

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