Listing the Worst High Schools in Entire America

Giving our kids the best schooling possible is something we all want to feel like we’re doing the best we can for them. It’s too bad that not every school in America is the same. Some schools have great results, inspiring teachers, and lots of clubs and groups outside of school to get students involved, while others only offer free lunches. We’re going to look at the worst high schools in the United States.

Worst High Schools in America

Vision Academy School, LA

It is said that Monroe, Louisiana’s Vision Academy School is the worst high school in the US. The school only has 180 kids, but each classroom has 45 students (the state average is 14.8, and the US average is 16.5). Seventy-two percent of students come from low-income families, and only 29 percent of them graduate, which is much lower than the state norm. The situation has gotten so bad that, in January 2019, it was said that the school was in danger of closing because of its many financial, academic, and economic problems.

Chester High School, PA

Number 3 on the list is Chester High School, which is not very good. It is one of the best public schools in Pennsylvania in a number of ways, which is a good thing. The categories are for the size of the community and the percentage of students who are qualified for free lunches, so they don’t always mean something good.

The numbers tell us more about the state of the education system as a whole: only 9% of students are proficient in math (compared to the state average of 46%) and only 10% are proficient in reading (compared to the state average of 63%). The graduate rate, on the other hand, is a sad 50%.

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Overbrook High School, PA

Here are some quick facts about Overbrook High School: 99% of students come from low-income families; only 52% of students graduate; only 2% of students are proficient in math; only 14% are proficient in reading; only 3% of students have taken and passed at least one Advanced Placement Exam; the percentile score on Keystone end-of-course exams is 0.9%; and the scores on Keystone end-of-course exams compared to U.S. news expectations are

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Roxborough High School, PA

There are 622 students at Roxborough High School in Pennsylvania. Of those, 29% have taken at least one AP test, but not a single one has passed. A very low 9% of students are proficient in reading, and the same number of students are skilled in math. When it comes to graduation rates, 74% is a long way below the state norm. The number for a school that does so badly? The Niche says that a “must do better” D+.

Benjamin Franklin High School, PA

Recently, Benjamin Franklin High School, PA was in the news because the Philadelphia School District was thinking about moving the students because of worries about asbestos. From what I can tell, the school needs to worry about a lot more than just asbestos.

The percentage of students who can show even basic proficiency in reading is only 17%, which is much lower than the state average. The percentage of students who can show even basic proficiency in math is even lower, at 8%. The rate of graduates, at 42%, is one of the lowest in the state.

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John Bowne High School, NY

To be fair, John Bowne High School in New York is not doing badly at all in the academic league table. It has 92% students who are good at reading and 88% students who are good at math. Even though the 74% completion rate is lower than the national average, it’s still a lot better than some of the other schools on our list. So, what is the problem really?

To put it simply, killing. Students and teachers alike have been in more and more danger at school over the past few years. Someone was stabbed by two other students in one week in 2017, and a police officer was punched. Howard Kuwait, who had been its leader for more than ten years, had to quit in 2018 after being accused of sexual harassment by several people.

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