Rachael Ray Reveals NYC Horror Stories

She is very skilled at making sauce, and she is also capable of defending herself against muggers and jealous boyfriends. Rachael Ray was mugged twice by a teenage boy outside her apartment in Woodside, Queens, before she became famous.

“He is holding a Glock in his hand and puts it against my back. I scream very loudly.” I believe they heard it in New Jersey … I got really scared and I think I scared him more than he scared me,” she told The Post after the premiere of her new A&E show, “Rachael Ray’s Meals in Minutes.”

“I used Mace to spray him in the face and he was very upset.” I still feel really guilty about it, to be honest. I don’t believe that child would have caused me harm.

Ray, who is now 55 years old, was working at Agata and Valentina, an Italian gourmet market located on the Upper East Side. On the night she was attacked, she finished work at around 11 p.m. and then went to her apartment in Queens, which had a problem with cockroaches.

“She said that there were cockroaches in her apartment, but she decided to stay because she was concerned about the dog that lived there.” Ray was concerned about the dog named Liza, who was kept on a chain in the laundry room. She frequently gave food to the puppy, who might have saved her life when the mugger came back a few days later.

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“The child returned to rob me again because he was angry,” Ray explained through a Zoom call from her apartment in the East Village. “He pushed me into a small alley, but then Liza came running towards him down the hallway and scared him off.” He was very scared of the dog. During this time, Ray also had to deal with her jealous Brazilian boyfriend.

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“He was really nice, really friendly, really funny, and really good-looking … I’m just not a very ambitious person. “He enjoyed marijuana and the couch,” she said. “I actually opened the window and threw his stuff in the street.” I became very frustrated.

But he came back angry because another man had walked Ray home.

I think I hear thunder. It was not thunder. He was using the fire escape to climb up the side of the building, and then he jumped through the window into my living room.

“We had a big fight . . . I bit his thumb and blood splattered everywhere. It was not good. I felt really bad about it because I loved him a lot.

Ray, who has been married to lawyer and musician John Cusimano since 2005, said that there are no negative feelings between her and her ex.

“He continues to send me text messages even now,” she said about her past romantic partner. “He sometimes sends me videos of whales, children playing, and scenes from Brazil, which is really nice.” He is asking about my mother, brother, and sister. And I usually just reply politely.

Ray left New York City and moved back to her hometown of Glens Falls in upstate New York after dealing with boyfriend problems and being mugged.

I purchased a pre-owned Ford Ranger, which is a type of pickup truck. I had to learn how to operate a vehicle. . . . She remembered starting her life from scratch and taking any job she could get.

Ray started teaching her “30-Minute Meals” at Cowan & Lobel, a specialty food market in Albany. This was the beginning of her journey in the world of food.

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The Emmy winner hosted her daytime talk show called “Rachael Ray” from 2006 to 2023. She was very excited about having celebrity guests on her show, especially those who were skilled cooks and were not afraid to get their hands dirty.

“There are many great cooks like Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Hudson. Also, President Clinton and John McCain are incredible. I was told by representatives of these people that they won’t do this.” They will not do that. “Yes, they do,” she said.

“I mean, Gwyneth was using her hand to eat directly from the pan.”

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